(562) 432-2748

Lucent Vision is all about you. With an office environment that looks and feels like a spa for a relaxed experience, our surgical plans and techniques are tailored to meet your daily visual needs. Your time is valuable, and that’s why our office schedule is built to limit wait times and to allow the doctor to spend ample time with you. Lucent offers LASIK, Refractive Lens Exchange, Refractive Cataract Surgery, and treatment for Glaucoma, Keratoconus, and Pterygium.

About Us

Contact Details

Lucent Vision

5175 E Pacific Coast Hwy Suite 102, Long Beach, CA 90804

(562) 432-2748

Website: https://lucentvision2020.com/

Google Folder: https://mgyb.co/s/VEgJO


See what you’re missing!

How different would your life be without glasses or contact lenses?  Imagine the freedom of playing sports, watching television, driving your car, and spending time with your family without any visual restrictions. Lucent Vision – Lasik Long Beach has made this dream a reality for millions of people! LASIK is a safe and effective procedure to re-sculpt the cornea to fix problems such as near-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Learn more about, Cataract Surgery Long Beach.

About How Much Is Lasik Eye Surgery


We are now offering the most customized LASIK treatment available, Contoura Vision! With this cutting-edge technology we are able to map up to 22,000 individual points on your cornea. Your cornea is as unique as your fingerprint. Contoura Vision allows us to use your unique corneal map to re-shape your cornea to maximize your vision.


Alternatives To Lasik



Why Lucent Vision?


At our center it’s all about YOU! As a smaller LASIK Long Beach center, we will dedicate more time answering your questions and making you feel comfortable with the process.


We have a track record of outstanding outcomes, and our patients love us!


Your fellowship-trained surgeon will be personally involved in every step of your care from your first consultation all the way through your final post-operative visit.


Clear vision with a 5-star experience 

How different would your life be without glasses or contact lenses?  Imagine the freedom of playing sports, watching television, driving your car, and spending time with your family without visual restrictions. At Lucent Vision in Long Beach California, our experienced team is dedicated to delivering these LASIK benefits with a personalized experience. Our team leader, Dr. Nimesh Pathak, is a board-certified ophthalmologist and LASIK surgeon who specializes in laser vision correction. Modern LASIK is capable of safely correcting "refractive errors" such as near-sightedness (myopia), far-sightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Our mission is to deliver the benefits of clear unaided vision to our patients. Clear eyesight gives people the visual freedom to work and play with no limits.  

At Lucent Vision we offer the most advanced LASIK technology, a compassionate staff, and an experienced LASIK surgeon. But more than anything else, we are dedicated to giving you an awesome experience on your way to clear vision. Our friendly staff will be focused on answering your questions and being by your side every step of the way. No assembly line here! We do not use a one-size-fits-all approach to your vision correction. Request an appointment today by calling us at (562) 431-2748, or book your free consultation by following the link <<here>>. (hyperlink to appointment scheduler)

Lucent Vision - (562) 432-2748

Am I a candidate?

Most patients who have nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can be treated safely. If you are over 40 and using reading glasses or progressive glasses, a better option may be Refractive Lens Exchange Long Beach 

Is LASIK safe? 

LASIK is one of the most successful procedures performed in modern medicine today, and it has a very low risk of complications. 

How much does it cost? 

You can learn more about our transparent pricing and financing options on our pricing page.

Astigmatism And Lasik

Benefits of LASIK

-Awesome results - vast majority of our patients achieve  a visual acuity of 20/20 vision or better. 

-Quick procedure - the painless procedure takes only a few minutes. 

-Quick recovery - return to your daily activities within a couple of days. 

-No more hassles of glasses or contact lenses. 

Why Choose Lucent Vision for your LASIK surgery?

Its all about you! 

We are dedicated to YOU. As a smaller LASIK center, we are able to dedicate more time answering your questions and making you feel comfortable on your journey to clear vision. 

Our patients love us! 

We have a track record of oustanding outcomes and stellar reviews. Dr. Pathak is the highest-rated LASIK surgeon in Long Beach California.  

With you every step of the way! 

Dr. Pathak will be personally involved in every step of your care, from your first consultation all the way through your final post-operative visit. 

Your LASIK journey

Free Consultation: 

-Approximately 30 minutes. 

-Advanced analysis of your eyes with the most advanced imaging devices.

-We will determine if you are a safe candidate for LASIK and we will give you all the information you need to know about the procedure. 

-Your surgeon, Dr. Pathak, will answer all of your questions. 


-You will be given an oral medication to make you feel more comfortable. 

-We will use numbing eye drops to prevent pain during your procedure. 

-Only a few minutes of actual procedure time. 

-We give you your medicated eye drops in a customized post-operative kit and you are on your way home.


The Day After:

-You wake up and you can see without glasses or contacts! 

-Brief post-operative check in the office with Dr. Pathak.  

Lucent Vision - (562) 432-2748 Guide KWs
Lucent Vision - (562) 432-2748 Links


What is LASIK?

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, also known by its acronym LASIK, is the most popular form of laser refractive surgery performed today. Millions of people in the United States and around the world have undergone this amazing laser eye surgery. Refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism can all be corrected with LASIK by precisely changing the cornea's shape. Aside from giving long-lasting results, LASIK procedures are also safe, quick, and painless. To find out if LASIK could be beneficial for you and your eye health, make an appointment at our clinic in Long Beach, California to meet with our highly-rated, fellowship-trained eye surgeon, Dr. Nimesh Pathak, for a free LASIK consultation.

What happens during a custom LASIK procedure?

To prevent discomfort throughout the LASIK procedure, your eyes will be completely numbed with specialized anesthetic eye drops. The eyelids will then be gently held open by a small, round device that will be placed on each eye.  After the eye has been stabilized, Dr. Pathak will use advanced laser technology to make a thin corneal flap. The corneal tissue behind the narrow flap will then be reshaped in a customized fashion using the excimer laser beam. Your eye surgeon will then reposition the flap to its original location. Reshaping the cornea allows for improved clarity of vision by bringing light rays into focus on the retina. Surprisingly, the cornea can heal itself without stitches. Most LASIK eye surgery patients report having clear vision within a day of their procedure.

Even though the procedure only takes a few minutes for each eye, plan to be at our laser center for about an hour on the day of your surgery. After your LASIK treatment, you'll need a friend or family member to drive you home.

Who is a candidate for LASIK eye surgery?

You may be an ideal LASIK candidate if you:

-Are over 18 years old.

-Have nearsightedness, farsightedness, presbyopia, or astigmatism.

-Have had a stable contact lens or eyeglass prescription for the last year. 

-Are in good health with no significant corneal diseases.  

-We will perform a comprehensive eye examination on the day of your consultation to determine your candidacy. 


Lucent Vision Alternative To Lasik
Lucent Vision Affording Lasik
Lucent Vision Approximate Cost Of Lasik
Lucent Vision About How Much Is Lasik Eye Surgery
Lucent Vision Alternatives To Lasik
Lucent Vision Astigmatism And Lasik

What if I’m not a good candidate for LASIK?

Even if you're not a suitable LASIK candidate, you can still enjoy excellent vision.  In fact, LASIK is not the only procedure we do here at Lucent Vision. We also offer Refractive Lens Exchange (also known as Custom Lens Replacement), Cataract Surgery, and other vision correction options.

Can I wear contacts up until my surgery day?

 Most LASIK surgeons recommend discontinuing your contact lens usage about two to three weeks prior to your LASIK surgery. Chronic contact lens usage can alter the shape of your cornea, but giving the cornea a break from contact lenses can allow it to return to its natural shape. Giving the cornea this break can lead to better measurements in our office, and ultimately, better LASIK outcomes.  

Does LASIK eye surgery hurt?

At Lucent Vision, we go above and beyond to make sure you are comfortable and relaxed before we begin your LASIK procedure. Along with an oral medication to make you feel more calm, we use anesthetic (numbing) eye drops to ensure your comfort throughout the surgery. Most patients have little to no discomfort following LASIK. For a couple of hours after the procedure, your eyes might feel scratchy, gritty, or watery. We will also give you an oral medication that will help you take a nap once you arrive at your home. Most patients feel like their eyes are essentially back to normal after their nap. 

How quickly can I return to work after LASIK?

The majority of our LASIK patients can return to work a day or two after their eyes are treated. On the day after the treatment, vision is typically 20/20 or better, and it continues to improve and become even more clear over the following week.

Does LASIK cause dry eye syndrome?

LASIK does not actually cause dry eyes. In the first few weeks following a LASIK procedure, your eyes tend to create fewer tears temporarily. Often times this reduction in tear production can make your eyes feel more dry than normal and even cause some fluctuations in vision throughout the day. Within a few weeks of your LASIK procedure, as your eyes heal, your tear production will return to normal. While your tear production improves, you may find it helpful to use artificial tears to ease your symptoms. In some instances, a dry eye treatment will be recommended before your procedure as a preventative measure. 

Do insurance companies cover the cost of LASIK?

No, insurance companies do not generally pay for LASIK surgery as they view it as an elective procedure. However, there may be tax advantages to having LASIK, and financing options with no money down and no interest may help to make it more affordable.

How much does LASIK cost?

At Lucent Vision, our LASIK pricing <<hyperlink to pricing page>> is transparent. This cost includes the laser procedure, medicated post-operative eye drops, post-operative care, and enhancements within the first 12 months if needed (restrictions apply).

We understand that the cost of vision correction must fit your budget. We accept all standard forms of payment, including cash, checks, and credit cards. In addition, we can accept funds in your Health Savings Account (HSA) since vision correction procedures are usually approved expenses. Many laser vision correction procedures may be tax deductible as medical expenses (ask your accountant!). We are also proud to offer affordable payment plans through our financing partner, Alpheon.

Is LASIK worth the money?

Because of refractive errors, the average person spends more than $25,000 throughout their lifetime on glasses, contact lenses, solutions, eye exams, and so on. It's like paying the eyewear and contact lens industries to rent your vision. The worst part is that these things will never improve your vision like refractive surgery will. Many patients tell us the money that LASIK surgery saves them in the long term, combined with the priceless gift of clearer vision, is well worth the one-time cost of LASIK. 

What if I move or sneeze during LASIK surgery?

The lasers used at Lucent Vision are designed with features that prevent eye movements and track your eye's position so that modifications can be made if its position changes during treatment. For instance, our excimer laser would automatically pause and then pick up where it left off, even if you coughed or sneezed. A soft eyelid holder is also inserted between your eyelids, so you won't have to worry about blinking while the surgery is being performed.

Best Eye Doctor In Long Beach Files

How long does it take to recover from LASIK surgery?

The initial recovery period following LASIK usually lasts between six and twelve hours; however, it varies from patient to patient and is based on a variety of factors. Most people who have undergone vision correction surgery can see clearly in 24 hours, while others take two to five days to recover. LASIK patients may experience some hazy vision and fluctuating eyesight for a few weeks after the procedure.

It is common to have blurry eyesight immediately following surgery, but this normally improves after a few hours. After your LASIK eye surgery, you should arrange to have someone drive you home, and it is suggested that you take a nap and relax for the rest of the day. Avoid reading or watching television to prevent straining your eyes.

Does LASIK last for the rest of your life?

Approximately three months after your LASIK surgery, your vision correction will be stable, and the improvement to your cornea will be permanent. However, it's important to remember that LASIK doesn't involve accessing your eye's lens. "Over 40" eyesight is caused by loss of flexibility of the lens, which can make reading glasses necessary, and which later in life can cause cataracts. Even after LASIK, it is still possible for the natural aging process of the lens to cause vision loss or decrease. Additionally, refractive surgeries do not protect against glaucoma or macular degeneration, two common eye conditions found in patients over the age of 50. Prior to surgery, we test for them, but if you subsequently develop them, your eyesight may be impacted.

Will I see halos or glare after LASIK?

It is typical to experience mild symptoms with night time visual perception such as halos and glare in the early postoperative period. According to our patients, these symptoms may be present in the first few weeks, but gradually they fade away until they either fully vanish or become less noticeable.

Can you sleep during LASIK?

You can expect to remain completely awake during your LASIK eye surgery. Some individuals believe that because they are having surgery, they will be given anesthesia and put to sleep. However, laser surgery is much faster than other kinds of procedures and only takes just a few minutes.

There is no need to worry about being awake during the procedure. When you arrive at our laser center, we will give you an oral medication that will help you relax. Before beginning the laser treatment, your laser eye surgeon will numb the eyes using anesthetic eye drops. Your surgical team will explain what they are doing as they are doing it to help you relax and feel at ease.

Even if they had reservations or worries about getting LASIK done at first, most patients end up being relieved and happy when they find out how fast, easy, and painless the treatment really is! 

How long does it take to see 20/20 after LASIK?

Within a day or two of surgery, your vision should be noticeably improved and it continues getting better from there! After 2 to 3 months of post-surgery recovery, about 99% of our LASIK patients attain 20/20 vision or greater. In addition, at Lucent Vision we use wavefront technology to customize the treatment to the unique characteristics of your eye. For this reason, our patients typically will see better than they have ever seen with their corrective lenses. 

Is LASIK a safe surgical procedure?

With a very low complication rate and excellent patient satisfaction, LASIK is widely regarded as an extremely safe procedure. LASIK is one of the safest elective surgery procedures currently available. In actuality, undergoing LASIK surgery has less long term risk than contact lens usage which can lead to bacterial eye infections.

Will I have any restrictions after undergoing the LASIK procedure? 

We recommend avoiding contact sports and swimming for at least one week after the procedure. In addition, you should avoid vigorous eye rubbing because it has been linked to an increased risk of a weakened cornea in the long term.  

Can you wear makeup after LASIK?

We advise against using makeup for at least two to three days after your LASIK procedure. After this time frame, you can safely apply eye makeup. 

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