Automation with Markers


As of the 12/30/20 update, Online Sequencer now supports song automation!

Through the marker system, you can change the value of instrument parameters throughout your sequence. These changeable parameters include BPM, instrument volume, EQ, panning and more. This article will give a breakdown of everything you need to know about using markers.

How to Use Markers

You can right click the measure bar to open the Edit Markers tab.

Use the left dropdown menu to select a parameter while the right dropdown is used to select an instrument. Then, add the parameter with the plus sign. You can alter these parameters similarly to how you would alter them in the Advanced tab.

Markers are identifiable in their own unique area below the Measure Bar. Each marker group is labeled with a  <  while the active group is highlighted in blue.

You can create marker groups as accurate as to 1/4 spaces. If you would like to have more accurate marker designs (such as 1/8 markers), you have to multiply the length of the sequence to increase the marker space. I will mention this in another section.

Marker Functionality

Here is the list of parameters that can be edited with markers.

Sequence Volume—Changes the global volume of the sequence, similar to the master volume slider found at the bottom right of the sequencer.

BPM—Changes the tempo of the sequence.

Instrument Volume—Changes the volume of an individual instrument.

Instrument Panning—Changes the panning location of an individual instrument.

Instrument EQ—Separately changes an instrument's EQ per band.

Instrument Delay—Toggle Delay on and off.

Instrument Reverb—Toggle Reverb on and off.

Instrument Detune—Allows pitch bending of an individual instrument.

Autoscroll—Changes Auto Scroll settings that can be found at the bottom right of the sequencer.

Fast Graphics—Activates Fast Graphics mode that can also be found in the "More tools" menu next to the Help button.

Blend and Reset Buttons

By default, parameter changes are instantaneous when they hit their specific marker.

However, by using the "Blend to this marker" button, you can create smooth fades between events. The blend function will affect anything before the selected marker.

You can reset a marker’s parameter according to the global setting by hitting the Reset button. Global settings are determined under the main instrument menu.

How to Select Multiple Markers

You can select multiple markers by using Shift+Click.

Markers can also be selected by clicking on an empty space and dragging the selection lasso over the desired markers.

Copy Pasting Markers

Markers are pasted over the original point they were copied from. You can use it as an anchor point for moving them wherever.

However, if you want to paste markers in a certain place, you can use Ctrl+Alt+V to paste them at the cursor’s location.

Marker Techniques

Legacy Information

Merging Marker Properties

(Rewritten due to Marker Refactor Update)

By dragging one marker over another, you can allocate them into the same group.

If there are two markers with the same property, the most recently dragged marker will override the second marker.

This is useful for pasting markers over existing groups, but beware—there is an existing bug in which pasting will copy every property that the groups are pasted onto.

When pasting multiple groups over existing markers, make sure to re-copy the original groups each time you paste them to avoid this bug.
