
On this page you can find software (written in MATLAB) that has been used in some of my research. Some code files are better written than others. The hope here is to prevent one from having to reinvent the wheel when working on new research. 

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ellShiftPkg (click the link to download the .zip file)

Associated code for the work: Range restricted iterative methods for the solution of linear discrete ill-posed problems

A package of generalized minimum residual (GMRES) functions and scripts which solve both linear and block linear discrete ill-posed problems. All functions terminate according to the discrepancy principle, but can easily be altered to terminate according to other criterion.

IterArnoldiTikPkg (send me an email)

Associated code for the work: An Arnoldi-based preconditioner for iterated Tikhonov regularization

The package contains the basic function for the Iterated Arnoldi-Tikhonov (IAT) method. To reproduce some of the examples from the paper, the software package IR-Tools is needed. A test function in the package requires IR-Tools.