About my work on infectious disease epidemiology

and beyond: viral evolution, population genomics... and birds

Research topics

A significant part of my current work at the Pandemic Sciences Institute  and Big Data Institute, University of Oxford
concerns infectious disease epidemiology, especially COVID-19 epidemiology.

My scientific interests span a wide range of other topics: evolution, genomics, population genetics, pathogen dynamics.
See my profile in Google Scholar and ORCID

Infectious disease epidemiology

COVID-19 epidemiology

Digital contact tracing

Exposure Notification apps against COVID-19

HIV evolution and epidemiology

HIV variants, selection on set-point viral load

Evolution of pathogens

SARS-CoV-2 and FMDV between- and within-host evolution, plasmid evolution

Details on my work on infectious disease epidemiology

and app-based contact tracing for COVID-19 with Christophe Fraser's group 

can also be found here: https://045.medsci.ox.ac.uk/

Population genetics

Genetic variability, neutrality tests, selection on complex variants

Fitness landscapes

Measures of epistasis, constraints on evolutionary trajectories, landscape models

Genomics and transcriptomics

Next Generation Sequencing, sexual development in Anopheles gambiae, genomics of pig domestication

Complex networks

Preferential attachment, spatial networks, heterogeneities and features

Interested in my research?

Please get in touch at luca.ferretti@gmail.com or luca.ferretti@bdi.ox.ac.uk, or on Twitter @LucaFerrettiEvo


Sandhill Crane


A few photos to take a break!