
Research activities

I am associate editor for The Annals of Statistics (2016– ), Statistical Science (2019– 2022) and Statistics (2015– ) 

An early example of experimental design in my family: the draft of a letter from my great grandfather, Ferdinand Barneaud, school teacher in La Foux d'Allos, France, to the "Directeur des Services Agricoles" in Digne-les-Bains (autumn 1921) 

Ph.D. supervisions

Applications, projects and grants

My activity has found applications in biomedical engineering (identification problems in pharmacokinetics), chemical engineering (identification problems in electrochemistry and heterogeneous catalysis), telecommunications (blind equalisation), image processing (comparison of dissimilar images, estimation of movement in sequences of video images), mechanical and electrical engineering (quality improvement, modelling and multiobjective optimisation).

I participated to the european project (CE)2 of the BRITE-EURAM program, concerning the development of a general purpose tool for multiobjective optimisation through the use of numerical simulation codes (1996–1999) and to the projects TITOSIM and ONE, also related to simulation and optimisation (2001-2004). I have been member of the Network of Excellence PASCAL (Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning). I supervised a Ph.D. (Régis Bettinger) with Pascal Duchêne from IFP (Institut Français du Pétrole) on an application of kriging to the construction of catalysts. I co-supervised with João Rendas (I3S) the Ph.D. of Youssed Bennani (defended in Dec. 2015) on the identification of a biophysical model dedicated to the prevention of decompression accidents, supported by a DGA project (SAFE-DIVE), and the post-doc intertship of Asya Metelkina (2017-2018) on the individualised modeling of athletic performances in competition, supported by a contrat with IAAF (International Association of Athletic Federations), see the papers in Journal du CNRS and CNRS News.

I coordinated the ANR projects DESIRE (DESIgns for Spatial Random FiElds), joint with the Statistics Departement of JKU Universität, Linz (Aut), 2012–2015, and INDEX (INcremental Design of EXperiments), joint with EdF R&D (Chatou) and the Statistics Departement of JKU Universität, Linz (Aut), 2019–2023.