
This page showcases the mathematical training that has been instrumental in shaping who I am today.

Past Seminars

Spring 2017-Fall 2020 Sheldon's Student Seminar: WaybackMachine 

Past Writings/Slides (mostly reading reports when I was an undergrad, read with care)

2015.06 Bachelor's thesis: Geometry of Ample Line Bundle

2014.12 What is an Adinkra (a talk given in Shanghai Jiao Tong University Combinatorics Seminar)

2014.06 Weyl calculus, Wigner transform and beyond

2014.05 Kneser Conjecture and beyond (in Chinese)

2014.02 Evaluate A Lane-Changing Rule Based On Hierarchical Traffic Model with Dinghao Yin, Fangzhou Zhao.

2013.01 Several Problems about 3-Coloring on Random Graphs G(n, p) with. Xiaoxu Guo, Xuangui Huang, Lin Li, Chengyu Lin and Kuan Yang

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