Science & Activities

The order of magnitude increase in volume probed by LSST will open a new phase of strong lensing science, by enabling statistical studies to be carried out for a wide range of applications. The LSST SL science goals are best summarised in the LSST Science Book v2.0 (access the Strong Lensing chapter directly here).

Currently, the SL science collaboration & DESC-SLTT work is focused on accurate measurement of time delays from LSST light curves, simulating time-delay systems and developing analysis tools. We are experimenting with novel ways to find and model lenses but there's much work to be done. The bulk of the new LSST lenses discovered will require high resolution imaging and spectroscopic confirmation that will be the domain of space- and ground-based telescopes. 

Key Strong Lensing Science Projects 

The following list encapsulates 10 high priority science goals identified by the SLSC, however this list is by no means exhaustive and we welcome contributions on further interest areas.

Detailed Modelling of Time Delay Lenses and Their Environments: Galaxy Properties and H0Dt

Statistical Approaches to H0Dt from Lens Time Delays

Galaxy and Group-scale Mass Distributions, and their Evolution

Sub-galactic CDM Structure from Flux Ratio Statistics

Accretion Disk Structure from 1000 Microlensed AGN

Measuring the Physical Properties and Rates of High Redshift SNe with a Large Array of Cosmic Telescopes

Cluster Properties and Cosmography from Arc Statistics

Calibrating the LSST Cluster Mass Function using Strong and Weak Lensing

Exotic Gravitational Lenses in the LSST Survey

Multiply-imaged Gamma Ray Bursts

Technical Readiness

Main activities involve preparing for the phase change from detailed studies of individual systems to statistically large samples:

We are currently compiling tasks for the Strong Lensing Science Roadmap. This is highly complementary to the DESC Science Road Map (SRM) and focusses on non DE activities as well  as those that are common to the SL part of the DESC SRM. This is also linked to the Galaxies Science Roadmap. To get involved in these activities please contact us

Complementarity to DESC-SL TT activities

The DESC-Strong Lensing Topical team (DESC-SL TT) activities are focussed on time-delay cosmography from lensed quasars and supernovae, and distance measures from compound lenses. Section 3.4 of the DESC SRM lays out the tasks envisaged to deliver these split by analysis steps. Several activities have strong overlap with the SLSC goals  (e.g. Lens finding methods SLFinder,  the monitor that extract light curves SLMonitor,  inferring time delays SLTimer, and the steps to characterise the Lens environments SLEnvCounter & SLMassMapper). Each require software & infrastructure to be built including understanding systematic uncertainties e.g. from poor extraction of photometry in blended regions and their impact on extracted light curves and characterising the environment in both the lens plane and the line of sight.  Lens finding in a survey of such large volume remains untested for which it is important to understand the selection effects of various methods. 

The focus of DESC work to date has been on data challenges, embarking on the DESC data challenge 2 (DC2) creating realistic datasets and analysis tools to simulates SL science to be extracted from LSST data sets. See further information from:

We encourage our members to join both Science Collaborations to benefit and best work together.