Urban Gardening & Horticulture

We are using Amazon Lists to help use raise funds to grow our garden and program. Please consider supporting our students and class by clicking on this link and sending something our way. 

Mrs. Arianna Reedy

Hello! My name is Mrs. Arianna Reedy and I am your instructor for this course. Before we start this educational journey together, I would like to share a little of my background. I have been a middle school math teacher and love being a high school math teacher. I am a mom of 2 rambunctious boys and married to a wonderful man. I have a Business Degree in Accounting, Masters in Education, a CA Teaching Credential, attended a variety of Community Colleges to learn more Mathematics, and multiple CTE credentials. I have done a myriad of other things alongside teaching to get me to this point. 

Relevant to this class, I have had a garden at home since about 2008. In 2020, I wanted to create a garden on campus with the culinary teacher, but we were not ready to tackle this just yet. In conjunction with starting a garden club on campus in the 2020-21 school year, I studied to become a square foot garden instructor. This, in turn, lead to writing a class for gardening, applying for multiple CTE credentials, recruiting for the Urban Gardening & Horticulture Class, and getting that class along with my preliminary CTE credential. 

Looking forward, follow-up classes are in the works: Urban Gardening & Horticulture 2, focusing more  from the business aspect, and Urban Gardening & Horticulture 3, focusing on hydroponics and the business aspect. The addition of the the aforementioned classes will create a new CTE pathway on the La Sierra campus. When there is room in the master schedule, I hope to add these classes.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Urban Agriculture Defined

Urban agriculture refers to various practices of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in urban areas. The term also applies to the area activities of animal husbandry, aquaculture, beekeeping, and horticulture in an urban context. Urban agriculture is distinguished from peri-urban agriculture, which takes place in rural areas at the edge of suburbs.

There is no overarching term for agricultural plots in urban areas. Gardens and farms, while not easy to define, are the two main types. Any plot with produce being grown in it can be considered an urban farm. Size does not matter, it is more about growing produce on your own in your personal plot or garden.


La Sierra Garden: Year One - Transformation