Keynote Speaker

Tom Driscoll, Edtech Teacher. Learn more about Tom.

   Register for the Event

Being held at Nipmuc Regional High School, 90 Pleasant St., Upton

If you are from a non-LSDO member district please pay the $75 non member fee at

         Schedule for the Day!

8:00 AM Registration - Light refreshments will be served

8:30 - 9:00 Keynote Speaker

9:10 - 10:40 Session One

10:50 - 12:20 Session Two

12:20 - 12:55 Lunch is Included!

1:00 - 2:30 Session Three

Session One - 9:10 to 10:40

Leading with AI: Transformative Strategies for School and District Leaders - Tom Driscoll, Edtech teacher - Auditorium

Intentionally designed for K-12 school administrators and leaders, this session provides an in-depth exploration of AI and its transformative impact on educational leadership and administration. Participants will gain insights into AI’s foundational principles, applications, ethical considerations, and strategies to leverage AI for enhanced educational outcomes and operational efficiency. School leaders will cultivate a robust understanding of AI, enabling them to spearhead innovative, informed, and responsible AI implementations within their educational institutions.

AI- An Overview of Multiple Tools - Jeffrey Curran, Blackstone Millville Regional School District - Room - (PDC) Professional Development Center 3rd Floor

I will give an overview, examples and links to Curipod, Brisk, Diffit, Magic School, Chat GPT and Eduaide along with examples of how to write prompts.  I will need some type of projection system so participants can see the screen of my computer.  I can send you the Google Doc that I work off  for your review.

Getting Weird with AI Images - Mark McNeil, Westborough Public Schools - Room  - B235

This session will focus on the quirky and creatively useful aspects of AI generated images for students and teachers.  Image generators are appearing in many student facing platforms like Adobe Express, Canva, and Padlet.  How can image generators be used in different ways in the classroom?  The session will highlight prompting strategies, creative possibilities, and early use case examples.  

AI Tools for Counselors: You've Got a Friend in AI - Ryan Robidoux,  Norton Public Schools and Ali Robidoux - Room - Gathering Room 3nd Floor

Calling all counselors: Is your schedule leaving less time with your students? This interactive workshop explores AI tools to streamline tasks, personalize communication, and design engaging lessons – all while prioritizing making connections with students. We'll also discuss responsible AI use for impactful counseling. Join us and leave with a toolkit of resources to regain precious time with your students!

Reimagining Modern Day Learning - Taryn Lang and Sarah Kuhne, Holliston Public Schools - Media Center

Are you ready to refresh and reimAgIne your classroom to infinity and beyond?  The goal of this collaborative space is to focus on how AI can help both teachers and students in the modern day learning environment post pandemic academia. During this session we will explore the shift in education at all grade levels as well as look at both the impact and implementation of AI into curriculum.  We will share our story, look at the connection between SEL, PBL and of course add a flare of Design Thinking in reimAgIning the perfect blend between the human centered approach to learning through the lens of AI.  Come ready to get inspired and refresh in revamping your toolbox for next school year!

Session Two - 10:50 - 12:20 

Empowering Education: Integrating AI Tools for Enhanced Learning and Leadership - Tina Jarvis, - Media Center

Join me for an engaging workshop designed specifically for educators in leadership roles. This session reviews the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence tools like ChatGPT while confirming their use in enhancing both teaching and learning experiences. Participants will gain insights into best practices and tips for effectively integrating ChatGPT and other AI applications. This workshop aims to provide knowledge and inspiration with ideas that participants can immediately implement within their instructional practices.

Information Literacy in the Age of AI - Brandon Hall, Pembroke Public Schools - Room -  (PDC) Professional Development Center 3rd Floor

​Information literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, organize, use, and communicate information in all its various formats, most notably in situations requiring decision making, problem solving, or the acquisition of knowledge. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), students, teachers, and community members can leverage the technology to their advantage - but at what cost? This session will examine topics in AI, information literacy, and the ways in which AI can be used in the classroom. 

Harnessing AI for Formative Writing Feedback - Jim Gorman, Mendon-Upton Regional School District - Room - B235

Writing with clarity and accuracy in any discipline is a complex skill.  Discover how free AI agent can transform the formative feedback process in your classroom.  This session explores an innovative system where students engage an AI peer reviewer, trained to analyze conceptual understanding and fluency within written work, including lab reports, essays, and research papers.

Tackle the challenges of timely, targeted feedback while empowering students to refine their writing across subjects.  You'll learn:

- Understanding AI in Writing Review: Explore the benefits, limitations, and strategies to mitigate potential issues (hallucinations, bias) when using AI for feedback.

- Beyond Grammar: Examine a strategy for developing AI prompts that focus on the complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) of writing.

- Developing Your AI Reviewer: Gain hands-on experience crafting prompts and deploying your own AI-assisted formative feedback system in your discipline.

- Teacher Insights: Discover how to monitor student-AI interactions and leverage AI-generated summaries to optimize your review process.

Leave this session equipped with a powerful tool to support student growth in writing while saving valuable instructional time.

Unlocking Potential: AI Tools for Language Learners - Sarah Boyle, Milford Public Schools - Gathering Room 3nd Floor

This session will discuss ways to use AI tools in the classroom to support language learners.  Participants will have the opportunity to explore various tools and use them in ways to support all students, with an emphasis on language learners.

Session Three - 1:00 - 2:30

AI for Universal Design Learning (UDL) and Time Saving Techniques for Teachers - Wendy Byrne, North Reading Public Schools  Room - Media Center

As a previous software developer and now teacher I can offer a unique perspective. This workshop explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to enhance educational inclusivity and effectiveness. Participants will learn how AI can be tailored to support diverse learning needs by automating tasks and providing personalized learning experiences. Through hands-on activities, attendees will explore practical AI tools and strategies that align with UDL principles to foster engagement, representation, and expression in the classroom. The session is designed for educators and seeking innovative approaches to accommodate all students, ensuring equal learning opportunities. It's also important to address the inherent biases with these technologies and understand how to navigate them responsibly both in and outside the classroom

Using AI to Create Engaging and Personalized Learning Experiences - Bonnie Nieves, Mendon-Upton Regional School District - Room - Gathering Room

Introduction to AI in Education:

The session will begin with a comprehensive overview of AI technology and its increasing impact on education. Attendees will discuss how AI can personalize learning, improve assessment and feedback, and address diverse learning needs, ensuring equitable access to technology-driven education.

Interactive Demonstrations:

Attendees will engage in hands-on demonstrations with a variety of AI-driven tools and platforms. They will experience how AI supports differentiated instruction, engages students in immersive learning experiences, and provides real-time insights into student performance.

Hands-On Applications:

Attendees will participate in activities that guide them through the process of identifying and evaluating AI tools suitable for their specific contexts and curricular objectives. This segment focuses on practical, real-world applications in diverse educational settings to highlight how AI can be effectively implemented to support all students, especially those from marginalized communities.

Peer Collaboration and Planning:

Attendees will collaborate with peers to share ideas, troubleshoot challenges, and craft a strategy for employing AI-driven approaches in their teaching. This session fosters a community of learning, emphasizing culturally responsive teaching practices that respect and integrate students' cultural contexts.

Concluding Insights:

Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the potential AI holds to transform the educational landscape. They will leave equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness these innovative technologies to create engaging, personalized, and effective learning environments.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

This workshop is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, ensuring that AI tools are leveraged to benefit every student, particularly those from historically underserved communities. 

Student-Driven Journeys AI for Course Advising - Jim Gorman, Mendon-Upton Regional School District - B235

Are you seeking innovative and cost-effective ways to empower students to make informed choices about their educational journey? Discover the power of AI-assisted advising with a groundbreaking, free AI-powered agent that personalizes course selection across subjects.  Inspired by the success of the NipSci Pathfinder in science education, this session explores the potential of ChatGPT 4.5 Turbo to transform the way students navigate their learning pathways.

This interactive session will immerse you in the world of AI-assisted advising. You'll learn:

- The Benefits of AI Advising: Discover how an AI agent can enhance student engagement, promote exploration, and facilitate well-informed decisions within their educational journey.

- Understanding the Model: Delve into the workings of an AI-powered advisor, learning how to customize prompts and responses to align with your specific subject areas and educational goals.

- Hands-on Experience: Interact directly with an AI agent, witnessing its ability to provide personalized guidance and simulating how it can enhance student interactions.

- Building Your Own AI Advisor: Receive step-by-step guidance on replicating and adapting this free AI tool for your own educational environment.

Leave this session equipped to implement an AI-powered solution that puts students in the driver's seat of their education!

Unlocking Potential: AI Tools and Strategies for Educators - Robin Tucceri, Norfolk School District - Room - Auditorium

Ready to explore the exciting intersection of AI and education?

This session will dive into practical applications of AI for educators across all disciplines and grade levels. We'll explore:

* Empowering Instruction: Discover tools like TeachAid and MagicSchool (student-facing) to personalize learning, create engaging activities, and streamline lesson planning.

* AI for Teachers: Learn how to leverage AI for tasks like assessment creation, grading, and content curation with tools like Canva.

* Project Inspiration: We'll brainstorm specific project ideas that seamlessly integrate AI into your curriculum for students of all ages.

* Navigating Challenges: We'll discuss the practical considerations and potential drawbacks of using AI tools in the classroom.

Whether you're a seasoned educator or just starting your journey, this session will equip you with the knowledge and resources to leverage AI's power to enhance learning and ignite student engagement.

Unleash the Magic of Curriculum Mapping, Ryan Camire, Millis Public Schools - Room - PDC

Unleash the Magic of AI when Curriculum Mapping! This workshop equips you with practical AI strategies to streamline development, enhance content, and optimize your curriculum maps.