
How would you summarize what you do for work?

I empower people by encouraging them to learn new skills and utilize their talents. I help people reach career goals. 

What types of jobs have you held over the years? Do you have any post secondary education and in what area/major of study?

I have spent most of my career working in the health and human services field. I have work as a family services coordinator , Mnsure Navigator and Freelance interpreter. I am currently studying Healthcare management at Saint Marys University.

What is one thing you know now, that you wish someone had told you years ago?

No obstacle is permanent; we are able to overcome anything as long as we have a new day. 

What do you like to do in your spare time? Hobbies, interests?

Traveling, cooking and spending time with friends and family

What's your favorite Olympic sport to watch?


3 words to describe you.

Charismatic, Ambitious, Compassionate

What is the biggest reward of your job?

I truly appreciate being able to help succeed. The ability to show someone how talent and skilled they are capable of being. 

What is your favorite way to spend time outdoors?

I love to go on long walks around the Minnesota lakes 

Are you a cat or dog person or neither?


What's your drink of choice (non alcoholic)

Iced Matcha