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New Members
Please read welcome and instructions below
Welcome to New Members Orientation
This course is laid out in an user friendly format. If you have any difficulty accessing any of the material, please contact Ms. Felicia McGhee so settings can be adjusted accordingly. Hope you enjoy this course.
Course Description
This course introduces AST code of conduct, bylaws, and state assembly policies. Integrates knowledge of related surgical technology experience to a managerial level. Management of the surgical technology profession is emphasized during the modules to enhance the field on a national level.
Syllabus (in progress)
At the top of the screen, you will find buttons used to relay information from the instructor to the student. Any messages the instructor wants to make the class aware of will be posted under 'Announcements'. Under the 'Start Here' link you will find 'Required Course Materials', and 'Course Document' links containing all documents and general information necessary for this course.
Our lecture material will be found under the 'Course Modules' link.
The course is broken down by Exams, then each exam is broken down by Modules.
Please take the time to review the modules before taking the exams.
Canvas will continue to be used as the gradebook.
Please explore the "course" here and email us if you have any questions. .
I look forward to working with you in the e-Learning environment.