
First year Physics for Biology Lab.  ARA group

The slides from the first session can be found here

The guides for all experiments can be found on this webpage when they become available:

Exam-style questions

Here you will find a series of example exam questions which you can use to prepare for the exam at the end of the course. Time permitting, we will go through some of these in class to give you an idea of the expected answers. 

The model answers for the following questions are given here

9.764 ± 0.096 m/s2

3.2843 ± 0.036 s

22.33 ± 0.2 mm

0.01683 ± 0.0058 K

126.5 ± 5 V

428.351 ± 0.27 C

47.6 x 10-8 ± 0.4 x 10-7 nm

t (s)  d (cm) 

  1       2

  2       5

  3       6

  4       7

  5       10

  6       17

L (cm) T(s)

1      0.2

2      0.3

5       0.5

8       0.6

10      0.65

15     0.8

20     0.9

Assume the relationship between L and T is:

Calculate the gravitational acceleration (g) by creating a graphical representation of the measurement values. 

6. If we take the following experimental measurements, which are governed by the relationships detailed in the table, what needs to be plotted on the abscissa and ordinate to directly obtain the parameter in column three?