Keith Lakin

Chance meeting began a long association

Keith Lakin awheel (click on picture for more photos).

Twins Keith and Alan Lakin joined Charnwood Section in the summer of 1960. They had been to Darley Dale on their bicycles to visit friends when members of the section caught up with them at the top of Melbourne Hill. When it was discovered that Alan and Keith had ridden further than the others the pair were invited to join both the midweek run to Kings Mills and the following Sunday’s run to Tutbury Castle - led by Frank and Nancy Holden.

They enjoyed themselves so much that they became members and continued to ride every week. Keith had an unbroken run of six years four weeks without missing a Sunday run. During that time both regularly took part in the competitive DA events, with intense rivalry as to who gained the most points. Alan was very good at map reading events but it was Keith who achieved the distinction of being the first Charnwood rider to qualify to ride in the BCTC final in 1964.

This was held in the south, starting from Godalming and finishing at Guildford. Keith finished a respectable 24th out of 40, a few places ahead of the late Ray Matthewman who had kindly given Keith a lift to the event. Although Keith continued to compete in the heats each year, he never again qualified for a place in the final. It was also in 1964 that the Leicestershire Best All-Rounder Competition resulted in a tie between Alan and Keith Lakin, although Keith went on to complete the hat trick by taking the BAR in 1965 and 1966.

Keith enjoyed touring and one memorable trip was led by Dick Thompson to Southern Ireland. Seven men and one lady went on the tour, using youth hostels along the way to the Ring of Kerry. The one lady, Pearl Blaza, was later to Mrs Dick Thompson!

A lot of work was being done in the section for the cycle proficiency scheme at this time, " with at least two evenings every week being devoted to training children at local schools. So successful was this venture that the section, led by Phil Allen, won the national Shell Trophy, awarded by the local Road Safety Committee. Keith very much enjoyed his involvement in this.

Sunday runs were varied, with swimming runs to the baths at Tamworth being very popular. There was also an annual run to Skegness. This always started from Grace Dieu Priory at 10pm on Friday and the riders reached Skegness in time for breakfast. After spending the morning by the sea, and having lunch, they would leave about 3pm to ride to Lincoln Youth Hostel for Saturday night before returning to Coalville on Sunday.

The standard of riding was usually very high, although Keith recalls one occasion when Phil Allen stopped the club run at Sutton on the Hill and left the riders in no doubt as to his opinion of their silly antics, before allowing them to continue.

The York Rally was always well attended with some members riding there while others hired a bus to make an outing of it with friends and relatives. The riders had to leave at about 3pm to be back in Coalville for midnight, while those on the bus left after the rally, often passing their Colleagues somewhere near Bawtry.

Punctures and breakdowns were often remembered years later. Alan was still out at Beeston when he suffered an irreparable puncture. He had to stuff his tyre with grass to get home. On another Sunday, near to Monyash, the back wheel on Dick Thompson’s tandem collapsed to the point where it couldn’t be ridden. He borrowed Keith’s bike to ride home to Markfield to collect his car. In the meantime Keith and Pearl set out to walk to Ashbourne pushing the tandem. They were offered a lift in a Transit type van, which they gratefully accepted. They were dropped off in Ashbourne and continued walking towards Sudbury. It was at Great Cubley that Dick met them on his way back and they all piled into his car with the tandem on top. As a final twist to the day, they passed the rest ofthe section near to Burton on Trent as they were repairing a puncture.

Keith’s interest in cycling waned during the 70s and early 80s due to family commitments, although he never completely lost touch with the section. He could always be relied on for help with marshalling and for supporting social events. In 1991 Keith and his wife Jean became joint secretaries of Charnwood section and so became even more involved in the day-to day running of the section and the DA. The couple continue to be involved in organising events, although they do not cycle regularly with the DA. Keith enjoys riding the roughstuff and freewheel events. Leila their daughter also likes to ride the freewheel. The family are part of the Birthday Rides ’97 organising committee, with responsibility for the evening entertainment at Scraptoft College.

Jean & Keith receiving the Seager Trophy

Addendum - Keith sadly died from a stroke on 28th January 2019. Keith was a stalwart of the club and played an active role up until his death. He sat on the Leicestershire and Rutland committee for 32 years and is a past President. Keith was the Secretary of the Charnwood (North West Leicestershire) group for 28 years.

Keith represented the club at the National Forest meetings and could always be relied upon, being the first volunteer to assist in running events and marshalling. His President’s rides and others he organised, such as the TriVets and National Forest rides were always well-researched and popular. In 2008 Keith received a national award as Volunteer of the Year for the East Midlands from the Cyclists' Touring Club