
Lakwatsa Realmcrafters
is envisioned to be a collaborative worldbuilding and storytelling experience. 

At its core,
it involves the answering of digital forms or physical worksheets centered around a timebound theme. These are then updated into the world and the wiki followed by a general presentation to the community to keep track of the changes of the world.

The community will be guided by certain time periods called seasons, with each season divided into four 15-day cycles that act as the guiding beats of the community's creative activities. 

Each cycle lasts for 15 days. Each season lasts around 2 and a half months


The Five Cycles are:  

 Click Here for the official timeline and dates of events 

Season 1:

Season 2:

Season 3:

How to start?

By registering and answering the digital forms found at our Worldbuilding Hub page.


If you're based in Cebu,
keep an eye out for IRL physical worksheets, brought to you by a wandering fairy~

Join us on a thrilling journey of imagination and creativity as we build a shared fantasy world together. Our community is dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment where everyone can contribute to the development of a unique and captivating realm.

Click here for >>>> General Rules and Guidelines <<<< 

Treat all participants with kindness and respect. Avoid personal attacks, insults or discriminatory language. Let us all create a safe environment for everyone regardless of background.

Submissions into the world must be suitable for a PG-13 audience. Avoid excessively violent, disturbing or sexually explicit material.

Avoid negative representation of people or groups. The real world isn't all rainbow and sunshine but we must try not to directly insert real life figures/people groups into the world, especially in a negative light. Avoid inserting real life figures who we hate into the world. However, we can draw inspiration from them, but through layers of fantasy and creative symbolism in a way that they're practically unrecognizable. In line with this rule, let us all try to avoid excessive harmful stereotypes, political hatred, racism, homophobia, etc.

We can show love to  our fandoms by  adding them into the world but  the key is to be inspired by them,  and not to plagiarize. Avoid adding trademarks and copyrighted IP by stripping them of their names as well as any identifying proper nouns. Also, let us not directly copy and paste. We can always add our creative twist and remix the idea with other ideas. The exception to this rule is with official collaborations. (When a fellow creative consents to add their creations to the world) 

(For collaborations and other similar correspondence, email us at lakwatsarealmcrafters@gmail.com)

Do not share personal information about yourself or others when submitting into the world or interacting with the community social spaces. Even in physical meetings, the subject at hand will primarily be about the world, the community and creative discussions. In line with this rule, respect the privacy of other participants.

When submitting your idea, keep in mind that it's never set in stone. The world is a sandbox and each contribution a sandcastle with an inevitable chance for change. Participants can expand on, potentially modify another participant's ideas. Also, world events may even destroy these ideas. However, they must be reasonable and we must not thwart another person's creations just for the thrill of it or due to personal vengeance. Still, let us not get too attached to our creations for the world is alive, and utterly chaotic.