What does a PIF year look like?

The PIF program takes place during the regular CPS school year. It will consist of two teacher workshops, four classroom visits by Zoo Learning Facilitators, one Zoo Visit, and one Field Site Visit.

How do I best implement PIF into my classroom? 

 PIF can be adapted to any classroom! The key is splitting up the work amongst you and your students! This may mean only taking one of your classes to complete bird surveys or choosing a couple responsible students to upload all data every month. Our suggestion would be to break it up as follows:

Birding Surveys

Each class should try to conduct at least 1-2 birding surveys each month. After the survey is done, teachers should collect the student data sheets. 

If you took your class out as one big group and everyone surveyed the same, you only need to upload ONE (1) copy of the data via the Google Form. This is done to minimize the number of duplicate entries. 

If your students surveyed different areas such that there is little chance of recording the same birds, then you may upload multiple sheets for that outing (one per distinct area).

Data can be uploaded by picking the “best” data sheet or by creating an average/composite worksheet from all students.

*NOTE: This does not mean every class has to go out - bring a different class out every other week OR only bring the class that is ahead in course work outside.

Trail Camera/Photo Data

*NOTE: it is possible that CPS has blocked students from accessing the UWIN database website. If this happens, you may need to get creative on how you ID the photos. Your PIF Facilitator can help come up with ideas for how to do this if you are stuck.

What projects will best fit the data? 

Based on past projects, many students create research questions about patterns identified in wildlife motion activated cameras, bird surveys or acoustic bat monitor surveys. 

Examples of past posters can be found at the following link: 

Poster Examples

What do if I'm no longer participating in the program?

You are now an alumni school and will still have access to certain resources. You can find out more on the alumni site.

Please note that access to the Teacher Workshops, bus and substitute teacher reimbursement funds, end-of-the-year Field Trip, and participation in the PIF Expo are reserved for active PIF schools only. Alumni schools are free to schedule a zoo visit on their own with a similar tour provided by the Facilitator.