What is the PTO?

The Euclid Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) supports the school and its stated goals and informs parents and the community of activities that support these goals.

All parents, legal guardians, teachers and staff at Euclid are members of the PTO.

PTO meetings

All are welcome to attend!

Held from 3:50 - 5:20PM, generally on Thursdays each month, scheduled to work around conferences, breaks, and other school activities.

Planned Meetings for the 2024 - 2025 school year:

Current PTO Board

PTO Board Roles and Responsibilities


The PTO President meets monthly with our principal and also attends a monthly meeting with the other PTO presidents in Littleton Public Schools.  He/She preside over the PTO executive board and the monthly PTO meetings.  They are here to be your ears and your voices in casting vision for Euclid's future.

Vice President       

The Vice President supports the President.  He/She attends the district meetings with the President. He/She leads the monthly PTO meetings when the President is unable to attend.


The Treasurer is responsible for the funds of the PTO, receiving and disbursing all monies of the organization, as well as the budget for each year.  The Treasurer will submit a written report of receipts and disbursements at the monthly PTO meeting.  A copy of the budget is kept in a binder in the front office, accessible to the membership.


The Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records (minutes) of General Membership meetings and Executive Board meetings.  These minutes are kept in a binder in the front office, available to the membership.


The Communications chair is responsible for keeping the PTO website up to date with current events and meeting minutes in a timely manner.  They keep the Parent PTO distribution list up to date and coordinate email communications for Volunteer opportunities, event reminders, meetings, meeting minutes, newsletters, etc. 

VIPS (Volunteers in Public Schools) Coordinators

The VIPS chairs are responsible for the recruitment of all committee chairs, overseeing all volunteers in the school, and keeping a log of volunteer hours to be reported to the district.  The VIPS chairs also attend a monthly district VIPS meeting.  The VIPS chairs will report monthly at the PTO meeting.


The Principal serves the PTO in their role as school Principal, advising and representing the school staff.  The Principal will report monthly on the state of the school and the district.


PTO Teacher Grants in 2022-2023

Thanks to your generous contributions and donations, the PTO has been able to award the following grants: 

Total: $11,966.62