Welcome to 



Instructor: Gillian Londa

Contact: londa@uhcl.edu


Come on... Get with the program! In this class you will learn how to create your own computer code using Python programming. Learn to think like a computer. Python is an object oriented programming language that is easy to learn and fun to use. Programming can help with problem-solving, creativity, and communication skills. Students will learn the essential building blocks of programming through fun engaging activities and even use Python to create their very own games.

Access program here: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/

Week 1 (1/19/2024) -

Students will begin to learn the basics of Python such as; strings, variables, and many others. Each student will create their own projects and customize them as they like. The class will start beginner projects such as: “Hello World!", Mad Lib Story, Rock Paper Scissors and more! 

Week 2 (2/2/2024) -

Students will learn about operators, lists, tuples, and more. Students will create programs such as: Python Guessing Game, Text Adventure, and Pong. The class will also use Arduino’s to create and further their understanding.  

Week 3 (2/23/2024) -

Students will learn about functions, If-Elif-Else statements, and loops. Class will create the program “Bounce!” using the principals they have learned with guidance. Students will also continue using Arduino’s. 

Week 4 (3/1/2024) -

Students will begin creating more advanced projects. Such as Turtle Race, Hangman Game, and create your own calculator. Students will also be introduced to Python Turtle. 

Week 5 (4/12/2024) -


Students will continue to work and add the finishing touches to their projects. Students will have the ability to share and see others' programs.