service and leadership

Directed Reading Program

From spring 2016 to fall 2018 I was the lead organizer of the Directed Reading Program (DRP) at UT. The DRP is a semester-long reading program which pairs undergraduate and graduate students to read in mathematics on a topic of interest to the undergraduate. I have a lot to say about why the DRP is so great and what I focused on as the leader: I have relegated that to it's own page here. I also mentored a number of undergraduates through the DRP.

Distinguished Women in Math

From fall 2016-present I have been an organizer of the Distinguished Women in Math (DWM) at UT. DWM brings female mathematicians to UT to give a department colloquium, speak in the appropriate research seminar, and give career advice to our female graduate students at a lunch discussion. As an organizer I help host and facilitate these visits. I also helped develop a new DWM event; a panel lunch with our own graduating female students at which younger graduate students ask questions and gain resources about applying to postdocs.

seminars and working groups

In August 2018 Hannah Turner and I co-led a mini-course on branched covers of $S^3$

In fall 2017 Duncan McCoy and I organized a learning seminar on characterizing slopes. You can see what we were up to here

During the academic year 2016-17 I organized the topology graduate student seminar here at UT.

In fall 2016 Allison Miller, Andrew Lee and I organized a working seminar on the Heegaard Floer proof of the surgery characterization of the unknot, You can see our syllabus here.

In Spring 2016 organized a learning seminar on the Poincare homology sphere which assumed only prelim material and aimed to develop inclusive seminar culture for young graduate students. I developed the seminar outline and provided literature and support to speakers

broad(ish) audience talks

In the spring of 2015, I gave a talk to the Saturday Morning Math Group called "rational numbers, rational tangles, and stripes on a donut". You can watch it here.

As undergraduate I spoke in BCTalks, which is a TED-style symposium at Boston College. You may watch that here.

conferences organized

I was a co-organizer for the 12th Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference at University of Texas in February 2014

In the spring of 2014 I also co-organized the Texas Topology and Geometry Conference for Undergraduates.

In March 2013 I helped organize an Undergraduate Session at AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting.

ancient history

When I was an undergraduate, I co-founded education for Students by Students, a student organization which addresses issues with the undergraduate academic culture and provides platforms for students to share their academic interests in social settings. I founded and co-organized ESS’s flagship program BC Splash which is an event for undergraduates to teach mini-courses showcasing their interests while high school students visit campus. I also developed, founded, and organized BCTalks which is a TED-style symposium for undergraduate research and projects. Both of these events are still running.