Laura P. Gamboa Guzmán, M.S.

Ph.D. Student - Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Contact Information


Office: 410 Carver Hall

[Photo: Bernard Lidický]

About me

I am a third year math Ph.D. student at Iowa State University (ISU). I am currently a Research Assistant under the supervision of Kristin Y. Rozier at the Laboratory of Temporal Logic. I am currently the secretary of the AWM student chapter at ISU. 

My research interest is in applied logics, in particular I'm interested in modal logics (both classical and non-classical) that allow us to reason about knowledge, approximate reasoning, and/or time. During the 2022 summer I served as a graduate mentor for the Temporal logic group, which is part of Iowa State Math REU.

I received my bachelors (2019) and M.S. (2021) degrees in mathematics at the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), where I worked under the supervision of Maricarmen Martínez for both my undergrad and master's thesis

Temporal logic group, Iowa State Math REU 2022.