Find My Zone

What are Zones of Regulation?

Zones of Regulation teaches us to recognize our emotions and gain skills to regulate them.

Zones introduction

Watch the video to the right to learn more about what the different zones are and what feelings are in which zone. Then look below to identify your zone.

If you are in the Blue Zone, look at the emotions at the bottom and point to the one you are feeling.

Take a deep breath while you're pointing at this feeling and think about what you want to do to go green.

Hopefully you have used a calm down tool and now are in the Green Zone!

Point your finger to the feeling you are feeling right now and smile big like Joy before you go back to work.

If you are in the Yellow Zone, look at the emotions at the bottom and point to the one you are feeling.

Take a deep breath while you're pointing at this feeling and think about what you want to do to go green.

If you are in the Red Zone, look at the emotions at the bottom and point to the one you are feeling.

Take a deep breath while you're pointing at this feeling and think about what you want to do to go green.