
A History of the Grange

Granges were originally known as "The Patrons of Husbandry". It was started to facilitate advancements in local agriculture. These days, however, the Grange is more focused on the well-being of its community. The first Grange association was founded in 1867; while the Lowell, Oregon Grange was founded in 1915. At the time of its founding, the Grange was known as "White Oak #531". In 1930, the new charter of the Lowell Grange #745 was received. The current Grange building was originally a two room school house, built in 1913. In 1941, the Lowell, Oregon Grange moved into its current location at 51 E 2nd Street.

Grange Members 1974

A History of the Town

The Lowell, OR Covered Bridge

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Where We Are Today

The Town of Lowell, OR

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