Track 1: Generic Event Boundary Detection Challenge

For more details, please refer to our Challenge White Paper. For any questions about codalab, please post in its forum

GEBD Datasets & Annotation Overview

We repeat these cognitive experiments on the following mainstream CV datasets; with our novel annotation guideline which addresses the complexities of taxonomy-free event boundary annotation.


Evaluation Protocol


Table: Performance on Kinetics-GEBD for various supervised and unsuperivsed GEBD methods.

Submission Format

To submit your results to the leaderboard, you must construct a submission zip file containing two files: submit_val.pkl, submit_test.pkl for validation data and test data, respectively. Use the following command to generate the submission file.

zip -r submit_val.pkl, submit_test.pkl

The pickle format is composed of a dictionary containing keys with video names and values with boundary lists. For example,  

{'6Tz5xfnFl4c': [5.9, 9.4], 'zJki61RMxcg': [0.1, 0.4, 0.6, 1.5, 2.7]}.

If you have a question about the submission format or if you are still having problems with your submission, please create a topic in the competition forum (rather than contact the organizers directly by e-mail) and we will answer it as soon as possible.

Submission Policy

There are two phases for the challenge: 

Report Format

Report Submission Portal

For report submission, please send an email to

For more details, please refer to our Challenge White Paper.


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