Track 2: Innovation Challenge

This track aims at encouraging our participants to explore the value of the generic event boundaries on the downstream applications. All the following scenarios are allowed:

  • For our annotated GEBD datasets (i.e. Kinetics, HMDB, ADL, UT-Ego), use 1 or multiple of them.

  • Do not use any of our annotations but use generic boundaries detected or annotated by yourselves on any dataset.

  • Combination of 1 and 2: e.g. first train a GEBD model on our annotated datasets and then apply on another dataset to obtain large-scale pseudo boundary annotations for training a new model.

  • Note that if you participate in both Track 1 and Track 2, duplicate submissions or submissions with significant content overlap are NOT allowed.

Evaluation Guideline

All the submissions will be multi-graded by LOVEU organizers and top two winners will be selected by the whole committee together. There are several dimensions that we consider in evaluation:

  • Relevance to generic event boundaries [e.g.: boundary is a key step in your method]

  • Impact and significance on downstream tasks [e.g. push SOTA on Kinetics classification, a comprehensive video knowledge graph generation system better than SOTA]

  • Technical soundness [e.g.: great engineering efforts, or innovate video model design, etc.]

  • Report presentation and clarity [e.g.: well-organized and contain enough details]

  • Reproducibility [e.g.: code is/will be published]

  • Others like new generic boundary annotations, new video highlight/summarization dataset

  • The top 2 winners will be awarded 1000 USD each.

Submission Format

  • To submit your technical report, use CVPR style (double column) in the form of 4-8 pages or NeurIPS style (single column) in the form of 8-12 pages (exclude references).

  • Please explain clearly your data, supervision, pre-trained models, model training recipe, experimental setting etc. so that your work is valuable to others.

Registration & Report Submission Portal

Please send an email to

  • Format of Email subject: “YourName-Submission-LOVEU21-Track2”.

  • Please include metadata like your team members, institution, etc.

  • Attach your technical report and other relevant materials in the email.

For more details, please refer to our Challenge White Paper.


  • May 25, 2021 (11:59PM Pacific Time): registration due

  • Jun 01, 2021 (11:59PM Pacific Time): report submission due

  • Jun 08, 2021 (11:59PM Pacific Time): registration&report submission due

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