
United Kingdom

Talk to Frank

"The Illusion of Peer Pressure"


Talk to Frank


Know the Score


National Drugs Helpline


National Drugs Helpline


National Drugs Helpline


Central Office of Information

"Drugs: The effects can last forever."


(click to enlarge transcript)
...Heart jumping every time you see the police. Paranoid psychosis. Your mother funding stuff. Having to find someone to score off. Never being exactly sure what you're getting. Overdose. Getting ripped off by dealers. Having to steal to cover the expense. Suppressing your immune system. Septicaemia. Jaundice. Abscesses. AIDS. Ending up in casualty on Saturday night. Spending all your time with drug users. Losing your job...

Shooting up once can screw you up forever.


Smack isn't worth it.


(click to enlarge transcript)
This is the last of his mum's wedding ring.Smack makes people do a lot of things they feel sick of. You might think you'll never get into the habit.But if you do, you'll need more and more money.As heroin takes control of your life, you'll start by nicking things from your family.Soon, your friends won't be able to trust you either.And while you're treating other people like dirt, you could be treating yourself even worse.You could be tempted to share a syringe, even though you swore you'd never inject.(Just like you swore you'd never steal from your mother.)And if you get AIDS, then that's the last of you.SMACK ISN'T WORTH IT
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If a smack-head tries to chat you up, what's he really after?Leather jacket Ā£30 ā€“ Chain Ā£25 ā€“ Walkman Ā£15.Anyone who needs heroin needs money.Ā So, to a smack-head, everything has its price. Including other people and their property.If you know a bloke who is into heroin, think twice if he starts getting friendly.Is it you he's interested in? Or is it what he can scrounge or nick off you?If there's ever any danger of him being more than just friendly, remember some smack-heads share each others' needles and works.And these days that's the easiest way of catching AIDS.SMACK ISN'T WORTH IT
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The best thing about smack is that feeling of total control.This is your first moke of heroin. Thrilling, isn't it? And things can get a lot worse.No-one ever thinks heroin will end up controlling them. But when it does, it's not a pretty sight.You lie, you scrounge, you steal from your family and friends to get money.Your face, your body and your mind get messed up.And if you ever get tempted to share a syringe (which a surprising number of people do) you're in danger of catching AIDS.If that happens, that could be your whole life down the toilet.SMACK ISN'T WORTH IT
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She used to do smack for a laugh.Now, she'll do anything for smack.Suppose you try smoking smack just the once, just for a laugh?It won't turn you into a prostitute just like that.But if you get further into it, it'll cost you more and more money all the time.Which will turn you into a liar, a scrounger, and a thief.If you get really desperate for money, you might even sell your body.Or, you may be tempted to share a needle or equipment.You probably swore you'd never do either. (Like you probably swore you'd only try smack once.)Both these things can put you in danger from AIDS.And as anyone who's got it will tell you, there's not many laughs in that.SMACK ISN'T WORTH IT
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A lot of smack-heads have the same supplier.Their mum.The first time you try smack, you might not be thinking about the next few dozen times.But if they happen, they'll cost you money.Ā  And what easier place to find it than home?Even if your mother finds out, she won't tell the police, will she? On the other hand, talking your way our of that won't be much fun.And if that sounds bad, try talking your way out of this one.You've used a needle. (Everyone says 'not me', but people still do.)If it was someone else's works, they could have had the AIDS virus, although you couldn't tell by looking at them.And now, your mother wants to know why you look so worried.SMACK ISN'T WORTH IT

Central Office of Information

"Heroin screws you up."



Youth Against Drugs Finland

late 2000s / early 2010s

Free From Drugs


The Centre for Health Promotion


Try everything once?Six percent of people who have tried cannabis say they would go on using it if there were no legal obstacles. Does this sound like something incredibly irresistible?
What to expect in the entire country:Emotions and panic. News about drugs are soon on the weather forecast, aren't they? Soon it'll be raining pills and bongs. Can't they be avoided? Tell us what you think.
Information about drugs:ā‚¬0 per gram.

"Let the drugs addicts suffer. Their problems are, after all, their own fault." (2001)Well, heart disease is most often caused by smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol, poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Many lung diseases are self-inflicted, too. Much of the Finnish health care could be abolished, or could it? Have your say on the web.
(Pun: headline can mean 'Do you like to play' and 'Are you playing with your mind?') (2002)To some people, cannabis causes depression and paranoia just after a few tries. Do you want to experiment on how much your mental health can take?
Ecstasy and aimIf you buy ecstasy, you get what you asked for, sometimes. According to an English study, under half of the tablets sold as MDMA were actually the real stuff. What might be in it? Cheaper but deathly PMA, caffeine, ketamin or perhaps barbiturates. Now that's a real mix, isn't it? In the drugs trade, the purchaser has no surefire way of getting what they actually wanted, but you can see the facts online.
Eek! Dope in your pee? (2002)Getting caught of cannabis use can make family relationships colder and get your driving licence suspended. A criminal record will also pique employers' interests.
Molly! (2001)Drug dealers are no longer men with black coats hiding about the school. Teenagers are familiar with drugs like "molly", as if they're on a shopping spree. Someone gets them pills and then they decide to try. It doesn't cost much, you don't smell like booze and you don't have to search for someone to buy you some. And most importantly, they don't know the risks. We offer information about drugs to parents, too. Go online.
We're hiring a mule! (2001)We're looking for a poor, desperate and an ordinary-looking person. The government officials don't know you, at least not yet. We offer an international job with poor pay compared to all the risks.
Drug users fund, for example, human trafficking and wars through Trans Pacific Drugs Inc. The business is booming, because arms traders are our partners and smuggling is part of our top expertise. We increase corruption and decrease the power of ordinary people. We challenge the justice in society, destroy safety nets and hinder global progress. Our way to deal with problems inside the organisation is to kill. Natural death induces a change in the structure of the organisation and makes us recruit new staff all the time. Our benefits include: murders, bribes, coercions and threats.
Our "beloved" Mule (2001)born 5th August 1965, Bogotadead 1st August 2001, Lohja
without a smidgen of care, the staff and customers of Trans Pacific Drugs, Inc.
Final blessing done in complete silence by the gravel pit.
Ecstasy and anti-depression meds can killSome people still believe that anti-depressants can help prevent depression and nerve cell damage caused by ecstasy use. There's no scientific evidence of this. Instead, mixing drugs can cause deathly syndromes. In the two ecstasy deaths seen in Finland to date, anti-depressants were found in the victims' systems. Get information from us. Don't believe in gossip.
The Mute family (2001)No discussions about drugs, please.We did the drug talk without useless nattering. Closed the doors and our mouths. Studies show that teenagers won't do drugs if their parents know what they're doing and where. We know their friend circle, it consists of me and missy. I don't care what they're saying on that drug website, dammit.
"Oh, you're still living?""You're still living!"Discussion about drugs, also in the Turku dialect.

Amphetamine can steal your heartThe harmful effects of this substance include abnormal heart rhythm, depression, paranoia and insomnia. The amount needed to overdose varies a lot by person and can depend on the times the drug has been used. Among the most serious risks are brain haemorrhage and death through heat stroke or cardiac arrest.
GHB and alcoholGamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or GHB, has a powerful effect when mixed with alcohol. Effects include tiredness, lowered consciousness, slow breathing, convulsions and bradycardia.



Partnership for a Drug-Free Singapore

"No Happy Ending"


Partnership for a Drug-Free Singapore


Partnership for a Drug-Free Singapore


Partnership for a Drug-Free Singapore


Parnership for a Drug-Free Singapore



Above the Influence / Parnership for a Drug-Free America


The Meth Project

"Before / After"


The Meth Project

"Not Normal"


The Meth Project

"Meth Will Change That"
