
Want to know me? You can try, on this page.

Me and my website

Hello stranger! Fancy seeing you here. My name is Love the PIF, and I'm a nerd who likes to upload Public Information Films and Public Service Announcements on my YouTube channel. I started doing that way back when I was just 13, and I've been going on ever since (just a little inconsistently). 

This website started out as an archive for public awareness posters and print ads, but nowadays I also have a leaflet archive, radio advert transcriptions and a very own personal archive. What will I do next? Only time will tell...


PIFs are a hobby of mine, and I want to draw a clear line between a hobby and something I make money out of. First of all, it would be weird for me to earn money out of content somebody else has made. Secondly, if I earnt money from running either this site or my channel, it would start feeling like I wasn't doing for fun anymore. Let's keep this fun – let's keep monetisation out. I do not run ads on my YouTube channel nor on this website; any ads running before videos on my channel are placed there by YouTube and I do not earn anything off them.


I do not hold copyright over the material hosted on this site or my YouTube channel. All the advertisements are hosted for reviewing purposes and I do not make any profit off them. However, if you are a copyright owner and you want any of the posters taken down, please contact me immediately.

This site, apart from the content not created by me, is released under a Creative Commons licence (CC-BY-NC-SA). Please respect the copyright claimed by the original authors when re-distributing the content.

YouTube content

As a YouTube user, I am obliged to follow COPPA. Therefore I hereby declare that no user under 13 years of age should not watch my content. 

I also do not currently issue content warnings for my compilation videos, and therefore those faint of heart or with past trauma should view my videos with discretion. None of the videos I post are meant to increase stigma around the issues discussed, but rather to bring them to the spotlight.

Comments policy

The YouTube comments on my channel are not extensively moderated, but I reserve the right to delete comments, ban certain users from commenting or even to close the comment section on a video. Free discussion is welcome, but hate speech will not be tolerated on my channel. COPPA can also disable commenting on a video.