Author's Note:

I decided to go with Psyche and Cupid's story first (Psyche and Cupid, translated by Tony Kline), as it is the longest. The original story focuses on Psyche who is considered equal in beauty to Venus. This results in Venus sending Cupid to marry her to a hideous man. He marries her instead, and she eventually betrays Cupid as a result of her sister's meddling. As a result, Psyche is caught by Venus and made to undertake trials. I've decided that instead of being too outlandish with this particular story, I kind of prefer the original material, hence a simple retelling. However, I changed the story around after going back and forth with the instructor, and as a result took up one of her suggestions for the ending. I decided that I liked this idea a lot because it was simple, but gave the story a different air to it in a simplistic manner. So, I followed the original source material, but decided to end the story short with Psyche not betraying him. Originally, she was going to, but like I said I enjoyed the suggestion given to me. As I thought about it, it would be interesting to see Psyche take the initiative for herself and make the decision for herself, whether it ended up being the wrong one or not.
For my next stories, I plan on trying to actually add more than one choice. Nevertheless, I hope it's enjoyable!