i've tried about everything i can think of, i've reached out to samsung. i've gotten different phones, it wont let me change any notification sound unless i go into file manager and copy and paste the ringtone sounds into the the notification folder. If anyone has found a workout I would love to know.

I wonder if this community can help me! I have had my Samsung galaxy S8 for several years and I love it. It's always on silent mode and so never makes a sound unless I'm playing multimedia or it vibrates lightly when I get a call. But recently something must have changed. Several times a day the phone makes a sound like a notification alert. Everytime it does it I go into notifications trying to track down the culprit but there is never any log of recent notifications. I've checked in exceptions too and nothing. I also checked the card payment feature as I heard that can cause sounds and I do keep my debit card in my phone case but that was turned off and I tested by taking my card out of the case and it still makes the sound occasionally. Multimedia volume is on (and I want to keep it that way as I am sure the sound will go away if I reduce this volume but that's a workaround and I need to find the source of this sound!) All other volumes (Bixby, call, notifications, system) are at zero. I'm at my wits end you guys! Does anyone know how I might be able to find out what's causing this mystery sound? Thanks in advance!

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Hiya - I don't have the advanced options when I go into settings>>>notifications unfortunately. I can see all the apps listed there and can do show more and sort by recent but alas nothing claims to have been sending me a notification anytime close to when the sound happens on my phone. It's sort of a soft "Bing bong" - really not sure I'm describing it well though lol!

I'd love to see different alert tones available for forms, revisits, chats, etc., and perhaps something more intense for incoming chats as they can be easy to miss even with all alert types set to on. As I'm often multitasking, the only thing that ensures I get to a chat within a few minutes is the alert noise, but it's a quick noise that can be missed (We're often on the phone). So, by the time I see the email notification or the notification on my HubSpot page, the user has often left our website already. Perhaps a big red pop up or something like that

We are doing some customer research and testing out a prototype for adjusting the sound and would love to talk to some of you here who have been facing issues with this. Feel free to DM me if you are interested and I will send over a meeting link.

We have scheduled work on a PoC for sound customization in the Notification workflow action as a start. Would love to get some folks from here for feedback once we have that PoC ready to show around. Will keep you all updated.

@Aworrall13 Great to know it works for you.

@StatMedInc We definitely understand your pain. The new sound should at least fix the issue of the sound being too low/too loud. However, we empathize with the pain of not having the right sound for the team and are aware of the need to have multiple sounds to choose from and reviewing this request at the moment.

I don't understand why Hubspot doesn't have better alerts for Chats. All the others ones we offered, beep more than once or becomes more obvious. You only get one little ding and it's easy to miss that they started a chat or responded. Makes multitasking hard if you are focusing on waiting for someone to respond.

I like the way I'm able to personalise the chat with automatic replies and giving people the chance to leave their email, but 1 minute is very little and we never manage to answer in time, when you can't hear when someone is active in the chat.

I agree that there should be more options for notifications sounds (especially when I am away from my desk with a headset on). The sound is too short and doesn't actually come through my headset (it takes about 2 seconds to connect the audio), so it is very easy to miss a notification. Live chats are important to our company, and we don't ever want to miss them.

This is a huge issue. The sound is so low and "tick tick tick". It is definitely losing us sales. We need a louder more reliable notification sound when there is a chat so that we can answer our clients promptly.

Totally agree! We became a hubspot customer through the free website chat app and we have missed so many incoming chats that we are looking elsewhere. A notification menu can't be that difficult and it is very important to me.

Update: I have replaced this with Live Chat and it fits the bill perfectly. They also have an HS connector if you want all chats going into your HS database. If HS can get theirs to work like this, It will be a good reason not to go elsewhere for the rest of the CRM

I could not agree more with this!! I miss EVERY chat! I have been asking for this for years. Capture visitors live is essential for any online business. It just blows my mind that Hubspot is ignoring this request!

This is a huge problem for me. I want to use chat as I want to be responsive to visitors, but I NEVER hear whatever notification you have. If I could set it to a unique sound that is unusual for my system, then I would pay attention. My hosting provider has a SUBMARINE PING that is unmistakable on their chat.

This is a wonderful idea and I truly hope this feature gets implemented soon! This is an issue that our Customer Service Representatives face quite frequently and occasionally impacts SLAs (as they are always multi-tasking). An added ringtone when a customer replies with a chat or email would be a huge improvement.

Agree. We are having to abandon HubSpot's live chat and return to Tawk.to due to the subtle nature of HubSpot's notification style for new chats. Too many missed chats, which reflects poorly on us and that's not acceptable.

Edit: I'm reading others' comments that the tone is harsh. So let me clarify - the issue is that the tone is the same as all other notifications, and our customer service people now get pulled away from whatever other tasks they're working on (including live calls with clients) to see if it's a new chat or a miscellaneous other kind of HubSpot notification.

I agree with you; I often think about putting some very loud and unusual signals on working chats to hear them for sure. I like what my sister did for her online lessons - she used the siren sound from sound effects for commercials. Of course, I can't imagine how she doesn't die of fear and surprise every time, because it's really very loud. You may also be able to use some of these sounds on your work chats, which will help you. I would not advise the only thing is too loud sounds, as it can really scare a lot.

i have a new M1 MacBook Pro and love the machine, but since some time I hear a soft notification sound like every other minute, sometimes few minutes. I already put the Mac in do not disturb but the sounds stays. it sounds a bit as the sound when you enter a key where its not allowed (sorry dont know a better discription) there is no where as far as I can see any line of text that comes with it and I have no clue how to find this by now annoying sound, anyone an idea?

problem is fixed, it turned out it was a wrong port or server settings on one of the mail clients I use in outlook so every few minutes when outlook checks for new mail it couldn't contact this server and gave a ploink sound.

You can change a notification sound on your iPhone in iOS 17 via Settings > Sounds & Haptics. You are also able to adjust the volume of your notifications from this page. However, within iOS 17, you are only able to change the notification sound of certain first-party Apple apps, like Messages.

The default notification tone in iOS 17 is Rebound, which is rather different from the traditional Tri-Tone sound many users recognize and love. Though users online consider Rebound to be a rather quiet default app notification sound, remember that you can change the custom tone back to Tri Tone for certain Apple-based apps. 152ee80cbc

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