"Well, it looks like this is goodbye for our friendship then," I said. "Go on and comfort your new BFF which, take note, you only know by name yesterday. You don't even know her birthday or what is her personality yet you sided with her against me, your close friend but that's alright. At least I know now when in times of need, I can't count on you."

Months went by and the friends I thought will stay with me through thick and thin suddenly left me because they all believe what the ex-girlfriend of Michael has said against me that I was a homewrecker. I explained to them that they have broken off months before I came to the picture, that woman has other flings now and they are not married but my explanation went unheard.

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"Anna, your stressed and getting sick. That's not good for our baby. I know you love your family but what is happening right now brings more harm than good to our unborn child. You need to get out of this toxic environment," Michael explained to me.

I was done being the criminal. I was done being blamed for all the things I didn't do. I was done with people telling me my love is wrong. I was done feeling weak, down and stressed. I was done being stepped on.

I have never really had the courage to write about love. A word that doesnt even have a universal definition, a feeling that even the greatest poets fail to describe , love when asked what is it? No two people can feel exactly same about. How would an amateur writer like me put it on a paper ?

Its easy for any feeling to survive when its surrounded with comfort. And for love its easier. You have a single guy who loves you, you have parents and society who approves of it,you have an incredible feeling when you are around him and yes pick up a happily ever after and its done. How will this become a great love story ? Quite routine.

While i used to think if lovers are cowards who dont fight to give it a chance,i now know love never fights for its survival . It is meant to make sacrifises. Who said all is fair in love and war ? Even war has rules made in a way that helps in the kill. When two people who are meant to not be together but have immense feeling for each other want to do the right thing, they never think its standing up for it. The right thing is always a sacrifise to let love go and believe the other would be happy because no true love ever believes all is fair. Unfortunatley passionate lovers never think of each other. Its a fight between being wise or being in love. And being wise always wins because whats love if you are not a nice person in the first place.

Against your own wiseness, family society,your partners who refuses it because s/he cant willingly stand for it,the future thats blank, the crossroads you are left at but with only one path to chose, does love survive ? Theres still love existing . S/he thinks of the other all the time,wishes the other is happy inspite of their own pain. Silence plays cruel. And then when love survives, it becomes the greatest love story ! The worst feeling is not one person takes a stand for you or understand what you are going through. Move on is the advice from all directions.

While she envys looking at happy couple, she think may be this is not how it ends. She might find someone who would sweep her off her feet, someone she cant say a no to. Certainly. But will she be able to forget that one true love she believed she experienced ? Is it easy to be replaced or Does it eventually get lost in the choas of life? Will she stop worrying about his happiness? And more importantly, will he really forget her ? Will she not mean anything to him anymore ? Will he be happy and will things be just the same without her ?

All the greatest love stories are not because they failed, but because the love dint die agaist all odds. They dint end up together but they dint kill the feeling. Some ended up killing themselves and some lived on idolizing it. But the feeling till the end for the other lived and lives.

Thats love for me. Love even when theres no future, Love against your wiseness, love against not getting it back, against the right thing, Because you dint chose it and it just happened for a reason, theres no wrong or right to it. Keep it alive even if you dont end up.

While, as Shakespeare noted, the course of true love never did run smooth, some couples face more obstacles than others. They may have a large age gap, or different religions. They are often told their relationship is bound to fail.

Relationship psychologist Meg Tuohey, from Melbourne, says society is comfortable accepting relationships that fit the norm and those that deviate by \\u201Cabout 10 per cent\\u201D. Other couples, though, are often dismissed. \\u201CThe fact that it\\u2019s true love isn\\u2019t accepted at first glance because it doesn\\u2019t fit the cultural narrative,\\u201D she says.

While Santina doesn\\u2019t take these digs to heart, she\\u2019s sick of the tired trope that her husband must be\\u00A0 a dirty old man while she must be a gold-digger. \\u201CI love the idea of changing the conversation, because this is very normal for me. It\\u2019s not society\\u2019s business.\\u201D

And then there\\u2019s the long-distance relationship. Being physically separated can drive a wedge into even the most loving union, says Tuohey. Such couples are often told they\\u2019ll never last, and this is commonly the case \\u2013 unless there is an end date in sight. Without sharing space intimately

with a loved one on a regular basis, she says it\\u2019s harder to fill those \\u201Cconnection buckets\\u201D.

\\u201CIf I saw two young people out having a nice meal together, I would probably assume that they were dating,\\u201D he wrote for The Morning Call website. \\u201CThis, however, does not seem to be the assumption people make when you throw a wheelchair into the picture.\\u201D Burcaw added, \\u201CWe never

think twice about the fact that our relationship is abnormal in any way. We simply make it work.\\u201D

When couples seem mismatched, they no longer fit into the prescribed view we have of love, says Tuohey. Because people can\\u2019t wrap their heads around how such couples work, they often assume

There was no glaring obstacle in the path to enduring love for Lisa and Brett from Melbourne, yet they still copped plenty of unsolicited advice about how they\\u2019d never stay together long-term. That\\u2019s because they started dating as 12-year-olds and, apart from a brief break when they were 14, have been a couple ever since.

Now a mother of two, Lisa believes finding her true love as a pre-teen was incredibly special, not a drawback. \\u201CAs long as the relationship works for the people involved, and it\\u2019s not hurting anyone else, that\\u2019s all that matters.\\u201D

Tuohey couldn\\u2019t agree more. In fact, she says that couples who have been told they\\u2019re bound to fail often develop an \\u201Cus against the world\\u201D mentality which draws them even closer together, causing them to \\u201Cthrive in the face of cultural rejection\\u201D.

\\u201CCouples that are in love against all odds have a fight to protect what is sacred to them,\\u201D she says. \\u201CThey can protect the sanctity of their love by keeping their belief that they are perfect just the way they are.\\u201D

'Bold love' is the latest campaign from Doritos for Valentine's Day. The idea was worked under the #OrgulloTodoElAo (Pride all year) platform, which is designed to give visibility to the LGBTQ+ community, beyond Pride month.

Admittedly a bit of a Take a Break or Woman's Weekly take on the lives of Corrie legend Pat Phoenix and Til Death star Tony Booth and their 'second time around' later life romance, this 1998 TV movie is nonetheless worth a glance for any lover of classic TV and the days when stars really were stars and not 'celebrities'.

Two people meet one day in a coffee shop and bond over their love of cinnamon rolls. On paper they're nothing alike. Different backgrounds, different lifestyles, different life experiences. Yet they click...The odds are stacked against them. Can they overcome them to be together?

"This book blew my mind. It had so many levels ... and the spicy scenes had flames and steam coming off of them. Everyone loves a happy ending but I can't wait to see where this series goes!" - Shannon (Goodreads Reviewer)

While their love was real, their families couldn't fathom their relationship. Adam's family, traditional and conservative, believed he was straying from the "right path". Nathan's family was equally unaccepting, filled with misconceptions about homosexuality.

Adam decided to host an exhibition showcasing his art. His paintings were raw expressions of their love story, each piece telling a part of their emotional journey together. Nathan supported his decision wholeheartedly.

Nathan and Adam continued living their lives in San Francisco, their love story a testament to their strength and resilience. They remained true to themselves, living proof that love recognizes no barriers.

"If he had said to me, 'You know, sweetheart, I love you but I can't be true to you because I'm just the way I am and you'll have to accept it,' I think I would have left. I couldn't have lived that way," Mailer says. "But he made it very clear that he wanted to go back and wanted to be true and was tired of the philandering and wanted me to forgive him. And he was so sincere that I did."

Introducing a new digital series that celebrates and shines a light on love stories across the UK. These couples have overcome prejudice, trauma, struggles and misunderstanding to show that even when the odds are stacked against them, love can conquer all. 006ab0faaa

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