
Conference presentations


June 2019. "French reflexives in causative constructions". Linguistic Society of Belgium's annual Linguists' Day. KU Leuven (Brussels Campus).[proceedings paper]

April 2019. "Person effects with reflexives: referential features in reflexives and participants". Workshop Dependencies In Syntactic COvariance (DISCO), Universität Leipzig.

December 2018. "Encoding coreference on agreeing heads: anaphoric agreement as Multiple Agree". RALFe 2018 - Rencontres d’Automne de Linguistique Formelle, Paris. [handout]

November 2018. "Anaphoric agreement as Multiple Agree". Workshop Multiple Agreement across Domains (MAD 2018), Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin.

October 2018. "3rd person needs licensing too: Examining the se/-suu connection" (with Gurmeet Kaur). SinFonIJA 11, Krakow.

September 2018. "Revisiting Person Licensing: the view from 3rd person clitics in Punjabi and French" (with Gurmeet Kaur). LinG1: Workshop on Agreement and Anaphoricity, Göttingen.

May 2018. "Referential features in Person Licensing and Binding". CGG 28, Tarragona. [handout]

April 2018. "What’s in an anaphor? [ID-features in anaphoric agreement]" (poster presentation). Pronouns in Competition workshop, University of California Santa Cruz.

February 2018. "Reflexives and participants: a natural class" (poster presentation). ConSOLE XXVI, London.

October 2017. "Romance reflexives, past participle agreement and the PCC". NELS 48, University of Iceland.

October 2017. "Resolving conjunct agreement in Kutchi-Gujarati and Gujarati" (with Gurujegan Murugesan). SinFonIJA 10/RCAB, Dubrovnik.

June 2017. "French vs Italian datives: participle agreement, reflexives and the PCC". GSS 43, Göttingen.

March 2017. "Anaphor-Agreement Effect and Agreement Switch in Kutchi Gujarati" (with Gurujegan Murugesan). FASAL 7, MIT, Boston.

February 2017. "Binding and Agreement in Icelandic ECM Constructions: From Nominative Reflexives to Pronouns" (with Gurujegan Murugesan, Sandhya Sundaresan and Hedde Zeijlstra). Debrecen Worskhop on Pronouns, Debrecen.

February 2017. "Binding and Agreement in Icelandic ECM Constructions: From Nominative Reflexives to Pronouns" (with Gurujegan Murugesan, Sandhya Sundaresan and Hedde Zeijlstra). Anaphora-Resolution in Sign and Spoken Language (ARISAS) workshop, Göttingen.

January 2017. "Clausal pied-piping in Basque wh-questions and syntactic optionality” (poster presentation). ConSOLE XXV, Leipzig.

Invited talks

June 2018. “Anaphoric agreement in Swahili”. Linguistics Colloquium. Universität Leipzig.

June 2018. “Licensing participants and reflexives”. CRISSP seminar, KU Leuven (Brussels).

Internal presentations

July 2020. "The direct-inverse system of Mapudungun". (with Sascha Alexeyenko). LinG Colloquium Series, Universität Göttingen.

May 2018. “Licensing participants and reflexives”. Oberseminar English Linguistics, Universität Göttingen.

October 2017. “Romance reflexives, past participle agreement and the PCC”. Oberseminar English Linguistics, Universität Göttingen.

July 2017. “The Anaphor Agreement Effect and the PCC". Open Podium, EGG 2017, Olomouc.

May 2017. “Investigating the Anaphor Agreement effect: Icelandic ECM constructions and Agreement Switch in Kutchi-Gujarati” (with Gurujegan Murugesan) . Oberseminar English Linguistics, Universität Göttingen.

April 2017. “Anaphora vs Agreement: Investigating the Anaphor-Agreement Effect". Göttingen LingLunch.