Blockchain Economics

University of Paris-Dauphine - Graduate Level - Master 297 Digital Economics


Class material

Syllabus (pdf)

Class Introduction (pdf)

Chapter 1 : Prerequisites (pdf) (Problem Set 1)(My Public Key)

Chapter 2 : Blockchain Basics (pdf) (Problem Set 2) (Problem Set 3)

Chapter 3 : Advanced Blockchain Concepts (pdf) (Problem Set 4)

Chapter 4 : Some Economic and Financial Topics (pdf) (Topics : PoW economics, Tokenomics, DeFi, CBDC)

Useful links

Nakamoto's white paper (pdf, Nakamoto Institute)

Crypto Market Overview (coinmarketcap, coin360)

Blockchain block explorer (Bitcoin, Ethereum)

Lightning Network (1ML, lnchannels)

Decentralized Finance (DEFI PULSE)

Andreas Antonopoulos (youtube, Mastering Bitcoin, Mastering Ethereum)

Python library to create raw bitcoin transactions (python-bitcoin-utils)