My time at the Federal Reserve Board

Before graduate school, I was a Senior Research Assistant for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, D.C. Specifically, I worked in the Monetary and Financial Markets Analysis (MFMA) section. Some highlights of my two years at the Board include:

  • Regularly preparing reports for the Federal Open Market Committee to use as they determine the appropriate course of monetary policy

  • Designing and maintaining several products that pull the latest market data, run models designed by economists, and produce updated exhibits. These products use R, Python, SQL, and MATLAB.

  • Engaging in the process of code review with other Research Assistants and Technology Analysts

  • Acting as the notetaker during Monetary Affairs town hall meetings, and then working with division leadership to ensure notes were efficiently distributed in a timely manner

  • Serving on the inaugural MFMA Show and Tell Committee to organize a brown-bag lunch series on section members' latest projects

  • Playing mandolin in a four-piece band at the Federal Reserve Holiday Party. I took a solo during California Dreamin'.