The only thing thats annoying me is the *popping* sound when sending a message on Whatsapp. This sound is louder compared to the others but I dont know why. I restarted the phone already and played again with the sound level but nothing helped. Sometimes the *popping* sound is in harmony with the other sounds but more often its louder than the other sounds.

Hello everyone,

I noticed yesterday that during an ongoing phone call, the notification tone changed from Android 11 to Android 12 in an uncomfortable way. It is now very loud and very shrill, can you change the tone?

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Is it possible to have a standard voice message played out when motion is detected from Wyze cam may be with IFTTT integration? Yesterday, my cam detected a thief checking out my front porch. I am thinking it would be nice to have a standard message played out to scare off the thief.

Users in two different buildings are reporting their phones are beeping and flashing a message on the phone display telling them they are being too loud. Initially I thought they were talking about paging and that someone was playing jokes. But the message displays on the phone screen, the only sound is a beeping tone.

1. Explain & Model: As you explain the voice volume scale, model each level. Yes, each level, even the loudest one.Kids need to hear it to truly know what you are talking about. I f we think that others know what we mean simply by explaining it, we will have several kids (at least) who have a different interpretation of what we said.

Voice volume is a critical aspect of social interaction. We all know a child who talks too loudly during interactions, their voice overpowering the conversation and negatively affecting their peer interactions.

Learning how to use the expected voice volume, at the expected time, helps children be more empathetic (loud speakers) and more confident (soft speakers) and supports their social relationships by allowing their peers to feel comfortable around them and see them as a valuable part of the group.

Helping your students to understand and use appropriate voice volume and tone of voice is a very important social skill that will help them in school and in their lives beyond school. The benefits are well worth the time it takes to teach. I hope the suggestions I gave you here are helpful.

The alert tone or beep or notification sound or whatever when you hit max volume or a text comes in or you press play on a song, is really REALLY LOUD AND UNNECESSARY. It is always the same ear-and-mood-shattering loudness, regardless of the volume for the speaker. It has to have a disable option. How do I turn it off?

In his book, The Relationship Cure, Dr. Gottman reveals that when it comes to assessing the meaning of communication in relationships, only 7% of that meaning comes from the spoken word, while 38% comes from the tone of voice in communication.

How quickly or slowly do you speak when you and your partner are in the middle of an argument? During a presentation at work? In addition to fine-tuning your talking tone, you must also be mindful of your pace. When you slow down, you can help your audience understand what you are saying and they will be better able to absorb your message. However, speaking too slowly can be misconstrued as demeaning and offensive. To really get your message across, focus on articulating and conveying your message as clearly as possible by speaking at a steady, even pace.

This goes without saying: Yelling at your partner will backfire, either by causing an argument or making them retreat from the conversation entirely. This is often how tone of voice affects relationships negatively, but it also applies to conversations with colleagues, family and anyone else you encounter. Speaking too loudly makes you seem aggressive and insensitive. Instead of raising your voice, if you want to emphasize something, slow the pace of your words. Pause to highlight major points or to give your audience time to take in your point.

Your tone of voice is powerful because it projects who you are as a person. Your friends, family, clients and partners are people just like you who respond best to words and phrases that make them feel good. But your tone of voice is at its most powerful in your romantic relationships.

I just bought myself a 2nd hand iPhone without checking it thoroughly enough. everythings perfect except when i tried to call. Theres this really loud crackling static sound heard by both me and the other party and we cant hear each other AT ALL. I own an iPhone 5, running ios7.1. I used voice record and that worked just fine. can play music too. even when i turn on the speaker theres the loud crackling/static sound. please help. ):

iPhone 5 making cracking popping static like sound that distorted the audio every time I would send or receive voice message and it also would make the noise every time I tried texting. I fixed it like this.

TTSReader reads out loud texts, webpages, pdfs & ebooks with natural sounding voices. Works out of the box. No need to download or install. No sign in required. Simply click 'play' and enjoy listening right in your browser. TTSReader remembers your text and position between sessions, so you can continue listening right where you left. Recording the generated speech is supported as well. Works offline, so you can use it at home, in the office, on the go, driving or taking a walk. Listening to textual content using TTSReader enables multitasking, reading on the go, improved comprehension and more. With support for multiple languages, it can be used for unlimited use cases.

It's described as "DTMF talk off", in case you want to Google more info. It's said it happens when an IXC tries to detect a DTMF tone and regenerate it at the highest volume. Apparently some VOIP systems need this because DTMF is degraded by their compression. Unfortunately, high pitched voices are triggering the DTMF detector.

I just spoke with a TECH support agent at AT&T, and with all the latest new digital voice calling, High Deff technology for clearer call quality it has something to with those tones. Essentially the phone's network is suppose to do that automatically in the background when you connect the call. Its not suppose to generate any audible noise on our end. The tech was able to disable that feature on the line and said there isn't a fix for this problem as of yet. They are working on to get the problem solved, so we are not alone in this matter as of 02/22/2016.

We just received a brand new Cisco-AT&T microcell dph-154 unit because we had zero signal. When I call my family locally or out-of-state from my AT&T Galaxy to their iPhone 6s, they can hear a very loud touch tone or series of touch tones at the beginning of the call. They say it hurts their ears. On my end, I can hear very loud tones as well when I make the call, and sometimes right in the middle of the call that causes me to have to hang up and use my landline.

If this was a problem with the old "white" microcell, it's a similar or same problem with the new one...and this would indicate to me that it is a network issue and not a problem with a defective microcell. If it is a network problem, it could have something to do with the "handoff" from cell tower to microcell, or a network problem that pre-existed the new microcell that would cost too much for AT&T to implement a network. The tones are very loud and jarring. When we are near actual cell towers out of the influence of the microcell, we never hear these tones. It's already mid-May 2016 and no cure for this yet?

I'm having the same issue with my Galaxy S5 on the ATT network. I went to the AT&T store because the frequency of the tones made my calls almost impossible to bear. I spoke with a friend on the phone for about 45 minutes and the tones came through probably 30 or 40 times, each for about 2-5 seconds.. and they're excruciatingly loud.

Anyone else having this issue? During a phone call, it will make a random high to low pitch beep lasting a few seconds...but is incredibly loud. Enough to make my ear ring. Will give no warning, no message, just kind of fade the call and start the beeping going on. I've powered it on and off, Reset it, and took it to the local Verizon store, but they think its an Apple issue. Just curious if anyone else is having the same problem.

Distinguishing volume is fairly simple for people and dogs alike. You can whisper, speak softly, talk at a conversational volume, or outright shout! The differences in intonation are a little more subtle. There are five common distinguishing tones used in dog training. Here is what your dog understands when you change the tone of voice:

The differences in human tones and volumes affect how dogs respond to their owners. Men often have lower pitches that sound firm and commanding. They may have to consciously raise their pitch to communicate a positive message. Women and children, on the other hand, often have to lower the tone of their voice and raise the volume to sound firm and authoritative.

Yes I know that. However that is not my point - basically in my view these DV phones are not fit for purpose. The ring tone is not loud enough and here no hearing aid connection as far as I can tell from the rather scant documentation. I shall have to complain directly to BT as no one else here seems to have the issue. I'm guessing that actual BT folks do not frequent this community.

Depending on the text, language, and voice used in an audio file, the sounds range from soft to loud. Environmental sounds, such as the sound of a moving vehicle, can often mask the softer sounds, which makes the audio track difficult to hear clearly. To enhance the volume of certain sounds in your audio file, use the dynamic range compression (drc) tag.

Timbre is the tonal quality of a voice that helps you tell the difference between voices, even when they have the same pitch and loudness. One of the most important physiological features that contributes to speech timbre is the length of the vocal tract. The vocal tract is a cavity of air that spans from the top of the vocal folds up to the edge of the lips. 2351a5e196

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