As children, you lived fully, loved unconditionally, laughed crazily. Can you reclaim that attitude? Do it before you get much older, get influenced by the world, and start following the pack. So create your future journey using three powerful words: Live, Love, Laugh. Can you say these three words after me? LIVE. LOVE. LAUGH. Live your dream, Love your world and Laugh out loud. This is what I live by.

You are all actually living your dream right now. You are graduating from one of the finest, most reputed universities in the world because you had set your goal and went after it. During your time at Purdue I am sure you went through many ups and downs, but each time you picked yourself up to stay the course. Going forward, every single day, a new window of opportunity will open up. If you like what you see, grab it and don't let go.

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Last year, the Airports Council International ranked the Mumbai airport as the world's best. That was one of the strongest validations of my belief that when you put your all into your dream, it WILL yield results.

So go after that dream. Chart out your own path. Take chances. I believe that each and every one of you has a special gift. A gift that will lead you to your greatness. Some people are lucky and find it easily, while others take a while. Mozart found music, while Michael Jordan found basketball. Imagine if Mozart tried to play basketball and Jordan tried music! You need to figure out YOUR own unique gift and go after it passionately. It will certainly lead you to greatness.

Life is too short. In today's tech world, we have watches to measure the number of steps we take! How great would it be if we had a watch to measure how much we laughed? Happiness is a state of mind - it is your choice. And I made a conscious decision to be happy a long time back. To live a happy life, I found joy in pursuing many passions in addition to my work: Indian art, marathons, books, scuba diving, trekking, travel and golf. At the end of our lives, our biggest measure of success is the size of our bank accounts - what I mean is the bank accounts of our memories. When you truly live your life passionately, you become the wealthiest person in the world. I also realized that I do not know what I like until I try it. I was persuaded by a friend to try skiing last year. We loved it so much that now Pinky and I plan to go every year. So don't miss an opportunity to try something new. Who knows, it may become the most important thing in your life.

I saw them in Reno at the Grand Sierra a couple days ago and found it hard to enjoy most of the show because the sound was so poor. It seems like they were pushing it way too loud. And Petrucci's guitar was overpowering everything else. Overall, it just sounded like mud. Couldn't discern the bass at all (poor JMX got screwed over!) and the vocals and keyboards were also in and out. I'm used to their sound being really tight and perfect on the albums, but live it was more like a dull roar with weird distortion over the top. They sounded great on the quiet songs (e.g. Through Her Eyes) but the sound fell apart on most of the other songs, especially in the first set where they played heavier material. Can someone shed some light on why the sound guys make it like this? It seems like sound engineers would take pride in making the sound as clear as possible. Why don't they just turn it down a little? It seems so obvious!

I wrote this post for every person who has ever faced adversity. Every person with a dream. Every person who has ever lost someone they love. And every person out there who chooses TODAY to live his or her life OUT LOUD. Right here. Right now. Starting today.

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So I am declaring this over you! What provisions do you need God to do for you? Have you stood on His Word and obeyed? Have you declared to the brass heavens above you to OPEN IN JESUS NAME! Have you repented of a poverty mindset? Will you take God at His Word and believe that what He said He will Do! Hold Him to His promises over you, declare and decree them over your life and your family. There is nothing impossible for our God. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills- He owns everything! He cares for every need and desire and He has your back! Lets keep our eyes on Him because then we are not consumed with the heaviness the enemy wants to put on us. There is freedom in His presence. There is joy in giving when we know we are giving it back to Him. He is our rock and our resource guide! HA! If He can make water come from a rock, so you think a little bill scares Him? I declare the dream I had over you today! It is bigger than just for me. The body of Christ is going to come under the weight of His glory like never before and WE WILL WALK OUT WITH PROVISION IN OUR HANDS NOT JUST FOR US BUT FOR THE WORLD.

My name is Kalle and in the year 2018, I left my full-time job and apartment in Stockholm to live a simple and more meaningful life in the northern parts of Sweden. On Youtube, I share videos and tell stories about simple living, minimalism, personal development, and much more. My wish is to inspire others to also take a leap of faith and escape the rat race to pursue your dreams.

So if you think you have the attitude and the style to front some of the world's most credible live bands, then SingStar Rocks! will have you performing the ultimate gig line-up wherever you and your PlayStation 2 happen to be.

After I read this powerful quote, some voices, or my inner roommates, as I like to call them, started to speak truly loud: 'Do you live the way you want to live?', 'Are you honestly where you want to be?' Do you act from your ego or from your heart? 'Are you using your full potential?' and most importantly 'Do you live your dreams?'.

And he was right. And that's how life should be lived; from the heart; connecting with your inner source and your full potential of love, kindness, creativity, and uniqueness. He passed away, but he showed all of us around him in his last months the definition of life and love. It's life without an ego.

Know yourself, know your wishes, follow your dreams. Find out what it is that you want, not what others want for you. Ask yourself, 'How do I want to live?', 'What are my dreams?'. Write it on a piece of paper and read it every morning when you wake up and before you go to sleep.

Our News, Politics and Culture teams invest time and care working on hard-hitting investigations and researched analyses, along with quick but robust daily takes. Our Life, Health and Shopping desks provide you with well-researched, expert-vetted information you need to live your best life, while HuffPost Personal, Voices and Opinion center real stories from real people.

HuffPost is your trusted source for stories that help you lead a better life. We've got you covered on all things health, wellness, food, style, parenting, relationships, work, travel and lifestyle. Our reporters rely on research, expert advice and lived experiences to address all your concerns, big and small. So when you've got questions, you know you can trust our answers.

So for myself, I will travel. I will surf and I will continue to grow as a person. No matter how far I go, I will always be pulled back home, like a rubber band, to my children. And this is what I can show them when I return to them. I can show them that having a happy, wild, free spirited mother is the best thing in the world. I can show them that they can follow their dreams, and that it is always possible to accomplish what your soul cries out for, and that they should listen to what the little voice inside their heads and hearts is telling them. And I can show them that in order to find yourself, sometimes you need to stand alone on a beach at the end of the world over and over again.

Jason Derulo: This particular book happened because I was able to achieve my first dream: to be a musician and make music my full-time job. That was always the goal, and I achieved that at the highest level. I wanted to write a book to inspire other people to build toward living their dreams every single day. I think it's a beautiful thing to be able to live your passion. If I can help the young Jason Derulos out there who have a dream to make their passion real, this is what has worked for me time and time again.

My parents never led me to believe that my dream was impossible. My mom did bring up having a backup plan, and she did make me go to college. But they never told me that my dream was impossible. And I think that was important, as it's hard enough to get to where you want to go. If the negative words come from a friend, your parents or the people that are closest to you, you have to protect your peace. Words are powerful. I was lucky in that I didn't have to deal with that, they always left enough room for me to find my own way. And I'm really thankful for that. I always tell my mom, thanks. Even though my dream was crazy and outlandish, she allowed me to dream without the negativity that would have made it a little more difficult.

This is the remarkable story of Derulo's come up, told through the valuable principles that guided and propelled him toward artistic excellence. Waking at 4am to catch buses across Miami so he could attend performing arts schools on scholarship, entering himself into local singing competitions at the mall on the weekends, and penning hundreds of songs before he ever saw the inside of a recording studio, Derulo's commitment to his dream - and dedication to seeing it come true - is the stuff of legend. But it was during his reinvention in 2020, after becoming one of the most followed creators on TikTok, that he realized his personal rules for self-mastery and success are applicable anywhere, for anyone, under any circumstance. "Now," he writes, "It's your turn." 2351a5e196

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