Hiya! I'm Lotti (she/her), I'm your current Community Officer and I'm re-running to be your Wellbeing Officer for 21/22.

Why am I re-running?

It have absolutely loved being on the Exec this year and want to keep fighting for you and long term change. I think I can bring my skills and experience to a new role. This year, I’ve been shouting about rent refunds and student housing, as student renting is completely in favour of landlords. This has only been amplified by Covid-19 and now is the perfect opportunity to drive long term change.


We need flexible, fair, affordable contracts now. This year I have been lobbying for rent refunds for students in university accommodation and the private renting sector. Covid-19 has exposed the inflexibilities and inequality of student renting contracts: student renting is completely in favour of the landlords. Students deserve the same rights as any other renters.

  • Continue Lobbying for National Student Renting Reform, such as rent caps and a 28 Day Break Clause as in Scotland, which enables students to leave their contracts.

  • Contract Release for students who are struggling or whose circumstances change in both the university and private sector. Currently, contract release is only offered to students who intend to drop out of university entirely. The University can afford to be flexible and help students in need.

  • End UK Guarantor Requirements, the University can become a guarantor for these students.

  • Flexible tenancy lengths and cooling-off period after signing a housing contract.


The university must invest in student safety and this area of work must be prioritised within LUU. I, like many students, have felt increasingly unsafe in Leeds over the last 12 months and have noticed an increase in street harassment.

  • A complete rethink of university security services following issues within accommodation.

  • Instant emergency assistance for students to access wherever they are in Leeds, such as the SafeZone App.

  • Review report and support systems for harassment and hate crime, building on Sophia’s work on sexual violence.

  • Use LUU’s platform to lobby for criminalisation of public/street harassment.


We need a well resourced support approach to returning to campus, when we are going to see another rise in students needing emotional and financial support. Support looks different for everyone, and the University & LUU must provide and make accessible support, specific to the diverse needs of the student body at Leeds. That support does not look the same for everyone.

  • Same day support - every student must be able to see and speak to an advisor the same day. This is crucial in assisting students, no matter the scale of their issue. Preventative resources, helplines and other support are great, but students do need the opportunity to be heard and reassured in person.

  • Targeted help to reach groups that don't normally access the services, such as PGRs and students going into second year, who may not be aware of the support LUU and UoL can offer due to distance this year, adapting to what is a difficult transition even in a normal year. No one should feel their problem isn't "big enough" for help.

  • Support at your fingertips - make financial, wellbeing & health assistance as easy and simple to access as possible, communicating services in one place such as Minerva.

  • Financial help that is resourced by the university, and that it is accessible and communicated to students. I want to break down the barriers that stop students from accessing hardship funding.


Within the Exec team, I will continue the fight for fee reduction and compensation, I will make sure sustainability and climate stay on the agenda, and I will make sure that at every opportunity, money and time is spent on restoring the fun, safe and happy Leeds we know and love.

I will continue to work on my projects through the training period and already have contacts and networks established. I have a good understanding of how the University, LUU, Unipol and NUS work.


I will continue to build on the progress I’ve made with student housing, focusing on legislative change. I will use networks I have gained from being an Officer this year, using my relationships with the University, Leeds City Council and Leeds MPs, to tackle issues with student safety, housing, and student support provisions. I have championed for students on both a local level, working with councillors on safety such as the Reclaim Headingley Stadium Alleyway campaign, and on a national level, as an NUS delegate and with MPs on rent & tuition fees.