A near-Earth asteroid named Kamo`oalewa could be a fragment of our moon, according to a paper published today in Communications Earth and Environment by a team of astronomers led by the University of Arizona.

I seem to only be able to do one or the other: 301 redirect the root page w/o the #fragments (which prevents me from then checking the #fragment), OR use a global javascript to check the URL and #fragment and use window.location to redirect to the individual project page on the new site (which prevents me from any 301 redirects).

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Second, put the following JavaScript code at the top of the HTML page at /our-work. The code will look at the fragment by using window.location.hash, and if not empty, will redirect to /our-work/xxx based upon the fragment found. I'm using the replace function instead of assign so that the browser history does not remember the initial request with a fragment. And since window.location.hash will start with #, I use substring(1) to remove the first character.

This should work even if /our-work is a valid page (e.g. a listing page for all products). Anyone requesting the product listing page without a fragment would not be redirected. A product listing page would also allow search engines to quickly find and re-index the content in its new location.

Alternatively, a request for /work/interactive (i.e. no fragment) should be redirected by the server, and the browser would then request /our-work. The server would reply with the HTML/JS code block and preferably also other fallback HTML content. Since there is no fragment, the HTML/JS code block should do nothing. The user would only see the fallback HTML content (e.g. a product listing page).

If a client (e.g. browser) wishes to load , it would typically first make a request for /old.html from the server at www.example.com. If that resource is available at that location, then once received, the client would look for the fragment and adjust (e.g. scroll viewport) if the fragment is found.

However, when the server indicates that the resource has moved by sending a HTTP response of 301, 302, etc. and a new Location (e.g. /new.html), then the client should first make a new request to /new.html, and then once received, should still process the fragment and adjust. This implies that after redirecting, the browser address bar should show

Also note that according to the specification, a browser should give precedence to any fragment specified in the HTTP response Location (e.g. Location: /new.html#newfragment). And if no fragment is specified in the Location, then it should retain any fragment originally requested.

When the Fragment that is responsible for the Fragment root view (1) gets hidden (using .hide() in a fragment transaction) and then shown (with .show()), the fragment view that was currently showing in the ViewPager (3) becomes null, although the fragment still exists. Basically, my ViewPager becomes completely blank/transparent.

after the parent fragment is shown. This somehow triggers the views to be recreated and appear on screen. Unfortunately, this occasionally causes exceptions dealing with the pager adapter calling unregisterDataSetObserver() twice on an old observer.

You're not providing enough info for your specific issue, so I built a sample project that tries to reproduce your issue: the app has an activity that holds a fragment (PagerFragment) within a relative layout and below this layout I have a button that hides & shows above PagerFragment. PagerFragment has a ViewPager and each fragment within pager adapter simply displays a label - this fragment is named DataFragment. The label list is created in parent activity and passed to PagerFragment and then through its adapter to each DataFragment. Changing the PagerFragment visibility is done with no issues and each time it's becoming visible again it shows the previous shown label.

View Pager is pretty adamant in keeping keeping its Fragments fresh always and thus optimizing the performance by freeing up memory when a fragment is not used. Clearly that is a valid useful trait in a mobile system. But due to this persistent deallocation of resources the fragment is created everytime it gains focus.

I had the same problem. My app (FragmentActivity) has a pager (ViewPager) with 3 framgents. While swiping between the fragments they are destroyed and recreated all the time. Actually it makes no problem in functionality (expect unclosed Cursors), but I was also wondering about this question.

In Fragments, When user changes orientation, I lost all data, and Fragment creates again. I added setRetainInstance(true); to onCreate method of Fragment and set android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|keyboardHidden" to Activity line in manifest. But my problem still occurs.

A near-Earth asteroid named Kamo`oalewa could be a fragment of our moon, according to a new paper published in Nature Communications Earth and Environment by a team of astronomers led by the University of Arizona.

The continental plate of the North Atlantic craton rifted into fragments 150 million years ago, and currently stretches from northern Scotland, through the southern part of Greenland and continues southwest into Labrador.

So after the latest hotfix, I discover that there's a final fragment in the mini-quest that I did not receive, which we're supposed to get with the Revenant blueprint. They just stated that they fixed this, but they don't really list a way of getting it if you've already finished the quest. So, does anybody know?

I'm having the same exact problem. I did the quest BEFORE the hotfixes, sooo now idk how to get the final one.....aaand my completionist side is telling me to get the damn Lost Ones fragment for the lore

Trust me, I know the feeling. DE is on holiday now, and I don't know if they'll address this when they're back. I kept asking around if I could re-spawn the Revenant specter after completing the quest, but got no answers. It seems we need to re-scan it for the fragment to show up in our codex, but so far no luck getting him to show again since we already finished the quest pre-hotfix.

If you haven't gotten the third fragment yet go to the Plains at night and make sure your Operator still wears the mask. When you enter the Plains Nakak's dialogue for the third interaction begins and you just do that part of the quest again remember to scan the Revenant Specter. It might take a few tries before you get the fragment. I did it yesterday and it worked.

image: An artist impression of Earth quasi-satellite Kamo`oalewa near the Earth-Moon system. Astronomers using the Large Binocular Telescope have shown that it might be a lost fragment of the Moon. view more 

A near-Earth asteroid named Kamo`oalewa could be a fragment of our moon, according to a new paper published in Nature Communications Earth and Environment by a team of astronomers led by the University of Arizona.

Lost Colony Data Fragments are buffs that give special abilities. Four are required to permit passage through the Grand Warp Gate. Typically, they are a reward for completing a challenge or faction questline. There are notorious crews called Relic Hunters who seek to collect them in their hope of finding the lost colony. They are known to resort to violence and chaos to accomplish their goals. Will you be one of them?

The law and the prophets and evangelists have declared that Christ was born of a virgin, and suffered on the cross; was raised also from the dead, and taken up to heaven; that He was glorified, and reigns forever. He is Himself termed the Perfect Intellect, the Word of God. He is the First-begotten, after a transcendent manner, the Creator of man; All in all; Patriarch among the patriarchs; Law in the law; the Priest among priests; among kings Prime Leader; the Prophet among the prophets; the Angel among angels; the Man among men; Son in the Father; God in God; King to all eternity. He was sold with Joseph, and He guided Abraham; was bound along with Isaac, and wandered with Jacob; with Moses He was Leader, and, respecting the people, Legislator. He preached in the prophets; was incarnate of a virgin; born in Bethlehem; received by John, and baptized in Jordan; was tempted in the desert, and proved to be the Lord. He gathered the apostles together, and preached the kingdom of heaven; gave light to the blind, and raised the dead; was seen in the temple, but was not held by the people as worthy of credit; was arrested by the priests, conducted before Herod, and condemned in the presence of Pilate; He manifested Himself in the body, was suspended upon a beam of wood, and raised from the dead; shown to the apostles, and, having been carried up to heaven, sits on the right hand of the Father, and has been glorified by Him as the Resurrection of the dead. Moreover, He is the Salvation of the lost, the Light to those dwelling in darkness, and Redemption to those who have been born; the Shepherd of the saved, and the Bridegroom of the Church; the Charioteer of the cherubim, the Leader of the angelic host; God of God; Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Despite their outsized global impact, the two original flags were thought to be lost for more than four decades. One flag was stolen from a community center and never recovered. But Baker managed to quietly rescue a 10- by 28-foot segment of the second flag, which had been placed in storage after sustaining water damage, as GLBT Historical Society executive director Terry Bewsick tells the Guardian. Baker took the item with him when he moved to New York City in 1994. ff782bc1db

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