The database includes information on each officer including name, ethnicity, rank, date of hire, badge number and division or bureau. It was not immediately clear how many of the officers listed were undercover.

The Knock LA reporter, Ben Camacho, tweeted that he filed the records request as well as a lawsuit last year to get the photographs. The department had not previously raised the issue of officer safety in arguing against their release, he said.

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And yet, some retailers and producers are perpetuating the cruelty of fur, refusing to accept that a fur-free future is a near reality. Last year, on January 1, 2023, it became illegal to manufacture or sell a new animal fur product in California. But our newly released undercover investigation shows that a handful of California retailers are openly skirting the law by selling new fur products.

In August and September 2023, our investigator visited 24 previously known fur retailers throughout California to determine if they were complying with the law. Of those 24 stores, seven had illegal fur for sale.

China is still the largest fur-producing country in the world, but demand for fur is rapidly declining. Animal welfare and environmental concerns have led to a 50% drop in Chinese fur production from 2022 to 2023 and a decline of almost 90% during the period 2014 to 2023, according to industry data. This is in line with downward trends in fur production globally. Fur production in the U.S. has also sharply dropped in recent years.

Before its ban, California had the highest fur sales in the country, according to federal data, which is why the passage of a law prohibiting fur sales was such a positive step forward for animals. Before the statewide fur sales ban passed, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley and West Hollywood passed similar local bans on the sale of fur. Today, an additional 10 communities across the country have also enacted fur sales bans and many more are currently considering similar bans. Israel became the first country to ban fur sales in 2021.

By providing your mobile number, you agree to receive autodialed, recurring text messages from the HSUS with updates and ways you can help animals. Message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to 77879 to opt out, HELP for info. Privacy policy. Terms and conditions.

The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to the HSUS are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The HSUS's tax identification number is 53-0225390.

Jay Dobyns started as an agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in 1987. From 2001 to 2003, he engaged in Operation Black Biscuit, targeting Hells Angels members as an undercover member of the Tijuana-based Solo Angeles.

Facing death and violence threats against him and his family, Dobyns filed an official complaint in 2006, alleging that the agency improperly investigated several of the threats and improperly instituted and managed the relocation of his family.

The agency agreed to pay Dobyns $373,000 in 2007 for the withdrawal of those claims, but Dobyns brought the ATF to court the next year for bad-faith claim, claiming the agency continued to retaliate against him in breach of the settlement.

The ATF countered that Dobyns breached his employment contract, and federal regulations and bureau orders, by publishing a book based on his experiences as an agent, and by contracting his story and consulting services to create a movie.

"It is evident that ATF officials failed to follow through in implementing the steps that were supposed to minimize the risks that might affect Agent Dobyns and his family," Allegra wrote. "In the court's view, this represented another instance in which ATF violated the covenant of good faith and fair dealing." tag_hash_105

"Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands," the 54-page ruling states. "But he that filches from me my good name, robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed."

"There, Kafka depicts a totalitarian state in which the government suppressed freedom via a deluge of circuitous and irrational process. One of the techniques employed was the 'non-final acquittal,'" Allegra wrote. "Kafka describes these acquittals thusly: 'That is to say, when [the accused] is acquitted in this fashion the charge is lifted from [his] shoulders for the time being, but it continues to hover above [him] and can, as soon as an order comes from on high, be laid upon [him] again.'"

"I will not seize upon this opportunity to gloat or celebrate. From my view there is nothing to rejoice in. This is a sad day for my beloved ATF, the Department of Justice and all who believe in and support America's law enforcement officers. ...

"An agency I spilled my own blood for and enthusiastically accepted every dirty assignment on behalf of for 27 years, knowingly and intentionally accused me of a crime I did not commit; being a person who would murder his own wife and children by fire," Dobyns added.

A star football player at the University of Arizona, decorated agent and best-selling author of "No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey to the Inner-Circle of the Hells Angels," Dobyns joined the ATF out of college.

He is now sharing his account in a new A&E series, "Secrets of The Hells Angels," which examines the history of the notorious biker club. It features new interviews with former chapter presidents, as well as law enforcement officials, undercover agents and victims.

"This infiltration had never been done before by law enforcement," Dobyns told Fox News Digital. "Cops had never gotten under the wire of the Hells Angels in the past. All the other outlaw motorcycle gangs had been infiltrated, but the Hells Angels prided themselves on being impenetrable.

The organization has a long history in California, dating to its founding in 1948 by returning World War II veterans in the dusty town of Fontana. It includes a notorious incident during a Rolling Stones show in Altamont in 1969 in which a spectator was stabbed by a Hells Angel working security. A jury later acquitted the killer, finding he acted in self-defense.

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones warily eye the Hells Angels onstage at the Altamont Speedway December 6, 1969, in Livermore, Calif. (Robert Altman/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice said the Hells Angels had as many as 2,500 members in 230 chapters in 26 countries. According to the FBI, the Hells Angels are still listed as an outlaw motorcycle gang involved in various criminal activity, including drug trafficking.

Federal, state and local police have pursued the club for decades, infiltrating it with undercover agents, prosecuting suspects with harsh charges once reserved for the Mafia and indicting members on charges ranging from drug trafficking to mortgage fraud.

Still, the club has flourished over the years. It has gone on to open chapters worldwide and aggressively enforce its trademarks in court. It has also won high-profile acquittals and other legal battles with law enforcement.

Dobyns already had 15 years of undercover street experience when he was assigned to Operation Black Biscuit. In preparation for the assignment, Dobyns shaved his head and became "fully sleeved" with tattoos from shoulder to wrist. He also bulked himself up.

The Angels have always maintained they are a club of motorcycle enthusiasts who are unfairly regarded as an organized crime syndicate because of the crimes of a few members acting independently. The club participates in charity events, such as "Toys for Tots," motorcycle runs and blood drives.

Dobyns was invited to join the group only after "killing" the leader of a rival gang, the Mongols. The shooting death was staged, complete with a Hollywood makeup artist and a dead cow used to splatter the victims' clothing with blood and brain matter.

Operation Black Biscuit came to an end in 2003. According to Dobyns, the case at that point had become "almost too dangerous to survive in." It brought 16 indictments, including charges of murder and racketeering.

In a still-unfolding drama that has reached its top ranks, the Los Angeles Police Department accidentally released the names and photos of numerous undercover officers to a watchdog group that posted them on its website.

Stop LAPD Spying officials said they believe police officers are not entitled to the same expectation of privacy as other residents because of their status as civil servants. They said in an interview about the site that what they published was obtained through a public records request by a civilian journalist and turned over by the LAPD.

Department leaders said over the weekend that the release of pictures of officers working in an undercover capacity was inadvertent, and they have launched an internal investigation to determine how the mistake occurred.

Multiple LAPD sources not authorized to discuss the photo scandal said Rhodes, the administrator overseeing the handing over of the images, should have actively reached out to divisions to ensure any officer working in an undercover capacity was excluded from the photo disclosure.

Some of those in the photos are also working with other agencies as part of federal task forces, the sources said, and the disclosure may have also hurt that work and working relationship. The sources said the existence of the photo files could also make it hard to consider bringing into undercover operations anyone whose photo may now be on the publicly available database.

Stoughton said he obviously favors transparency, but this is a fundamental issue of officer safety when a department is asking some men and women on the force to take much more serious risks than a normal police officer.

He said activists had already used the photo database to identify an officer who appeared to be mocking residents and advocates at the controversial cleanup of a homeless encampment in skid row this year. 152ee80cbc

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