I'm seeing the same problem, as well as an issue where the phone orientation will occasionally cause only part of the widgit to be visible. Killing the app that was playing music (or video) has no impact on this.

Not only do i see this but when i connect my iPhone to my car via the USB it doesn't display all of the playlists i created and will not let me skip forward through the tracks using the car's controls.

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Hard reset seems to be the only thing that works, but then it comes back. I am to the fu**ing boiling point now with this effing bug. Please Apple, fix it. I don't want to have to restart my GD phone 5 times a day because the music widget is on the lock screen.

Yes hard reset seems to be only fix, and that only works until the next time you open podcasts, Pandora, etc., anything that plays audio, then you are back to the same problem. I hope Apple sees this as the annoying bug that it is and not an unwanted "benefit" of the OS.

Having the same issue. It comes on when I turn off my car so I think it might be a bluetooth issue. I rebooted the phone, didn't play any media, and it still appeared on the lock screen. Hope Apple fixes this soon!

Update: I reset my phone and went to a meeting. When I came out, the music player was on my lock screen. No bluetooth, no media was played. It just appeared. My next step is to delete the music app and reinstall it. But I think I'll lose all my playlists. ?

Hello! Last month it came to my attention that no music players existed for the Playdate (there is Audition, but it's not made to be a music player). This didn't make sense to me, so I decided to create my own!

AWESOME! Do you have any plans on being able to stream Internet Radio stations that run off Icecast or Shoutcast? Me and my friends run a station called www.8k.nz and I'd love to be able to stream it on my Playdate when it arrives. Here's an example of the stream: :8000/radio8k_a.m3u

Also, does the Playboy automatically pause any app when locked or is that possible to get around bc I think it'd be good if you can lock the Playboy while still listening to music so that I dont accidentally press any buttons

To answer your .wav question, yes, you will have to downgrade to mp3 for musik to play your music. This is mainly because I'm using Playdate SDK built-in functions to handle the audio, so unless Panic adds .wav support you will have to use mp3s.

Could a lock feature in the menu that requires the user to press the same button 3 times in a row to be unlocked be possible? It could also help with the battery consumption if only minutely since it'd reduce the screen updating.

Sorry if my suggestions are unwanted, I'm just a big fan of music players and want this to be the best it could be. I'm also useless when it comes to coding so if anything I say is too difficult please just tell me outright.

I know that, it has to be a txt file ok, i get that. What i was trying to ask is that, if there any way to translate a music mp3 file to a txt with the format flipper requires. not just adding the mp3 or waf file

So here is a fun fact, txt files used to code ringtones in old phones like the Nokia 3310 work seamlessly with Flipper Zero. If you are after a bit of old school nostalgia, you can use this link to download txt files which require no re-formatting.

There is loads of stuff to convert midi to arrays like what the flipper is using. aseqdump for example. oh snap i just got an idea. you play your mp3, redirect the output to aseqdump -port and scrape the notes.

I was reading a book which says that a processor with single core and no hyper-threading can process only one process at a time, so a doubt arises that when we do so many operations on a PC and also some background processes are always there then why not music player stops in between for short while. I know the CPU is pretty fast but still music player usually plays music in continuance without any small break ( that is observable ). Can anyone clarify this behavior?

1) A single-core CPU without hyperthreading can, as you say, only run one process at a time. Multiple processes are handled by context-switching, that is the CPU will run one process and then switch to the next process and the next and then back to the first process and so on. The frequency of how often a certain process is scheduled is dependent on lots of different factors, where process priority is one. (Back in the days it was often needed to run WinAmp with elevated priority to avoid glitches etc. Nowadays this is not needed as the CPU is a lot faster).

When processing audio the CPU feeds the sound device with samples by putting them either in a hardware buffer on the sound card or in the RAM. The sound processor does not get its data directly from the CPU, instead it reads the samples from one of these two buffers. As long as we have samples in the buffer we are good, even though the CPU is off doing something else.

Running out of samples is called buffer underrun. Even on modern computers this can happen, for example if you start a heavy process while running your audio player the CPU may not be able to switch back in time and we can clearly hear glitches and gaps in the sound feed.

This is due to an operating system which does preemptive multi-tasking. The process is in fact being interrupted for a very short amount of time, not long enough to notice for a human. Another reason is also that the audio card has a playback buffer which allows the playback continously, while data is being fed to it in chunks. So while the process of feeding the card with data is being interrupted for a very short time, the playback can still occur.

The scheduler will allocate a time slice to each process (this maybe a few milliseconds) and will allow a process to execute what it needs to for that length of time. The length allocated is determined by the algorithm used by the OS (I.e. Short term scheduling, long term etc). The reason why you do not notice this is because the CPU can operate at such high frquencies, i.e. 1GHz which makes multi tasking on a single core / thread transparent to the user.

This is great DIY platform for non-audio applications, as well. For example, the ESP32 module at its core is popular among those who enjoy exploring and learning about Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections. Unlike most such platforms, however, Tangara also gives you a full-colour display, a battery, and a one-finger touch interface to work with.

Not a fan of touchwheels? Our firmware also supports use of the wheel as a directional pad with long-press shortcuts for faster navigation. You can even disable the capacitive sensors entirely and interact with Tangara using nothing but its side buttons.

The included case will be CNC milled, from transparent polycarbonate, then bead blasted. This not only looks extremely slick, it also provides a great starting point for anyone who might want to take a more physical approach to hacking on their music player. It takes stickers really well, too!

Our software, firmware, and hardware design files are available on sourcehut. Some of our firmware repos are also mirrored to Codeberg to make contributing easier for people who prefer web-based workflows.

Thankfully, we have intentionally designed Tangara to be easy to reproduce by anyone. That means we are not locked into any particular manufacturer or manufacturing process. Most PCBA fabs can easily handle our boards, most CNC workshops are able to recreate the case, and major components such as the display and the battery are standard parts. As a result, there is little risk that production as a whole will encounter serious delays.

"Tangara stands out as an unusual device that combines a classic iPod-like design with open source software and an open hardware platform (which means you can build your own or customize the design)."

I have developed an app to time my exercise. When I play an internal sound "one minute" to notify my exercise period has one minute to go it causes my external (default) music player to pause. I want to find a way to prevent the player from pausing.

No Sir,

I have music running on my default Phone Music app and I want to player sounds (short) within my MIT app inventor app without it causing my (external to MIT) music from being put into pause mode

external = outside my MIT app. "Sound" is the name of the app. Came with the phone and I use it to play my music. It is a separate app on the phone and is not inside my app ??????

How can I explain this differently?

Part of this exercise app I designed is to put it in Airplane Mode so that there will be no interruptions during workout. The notification channel wont work in this case but thanks for the very good idea

Thank you Taifun. I rather expected that to be the answer but I am disappointed that it is.

I was fairly sure if anyone knew the answer it would be you. This question requires a knowledge of the OS.

When I play an internal sound "one minute" to notify my exercise period has one minute to go it causes my external (default) music player to pause. I want to find a way to prevent the player from pausing.

Pretty sure OP's saying that they're playing music from the phone through an app, but when they start the Player component, the audio being played from outside the app pauses. It does seem pretty difficult to explain tbh...

This is not possible with the Player component or the TaifunPlayer extension (that is based on the MediaPlayer). But it is possible with the ExoPlayer and with another Player extension that I recieved for testing purpose (not published yet). The ExoPlayer component is only avialable in Kodular. But there are extensions for it.

AGAIN: TaiFun had it right when he stated:

This is not something you can configure from within your app but from the music player app...

You could try several music player apps and probably you can find a player, which does not pause...

If you program a music player in App Inventor there is the event OtherPlayerStarted, which can be used to pause the music or not 152ee80cbc

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