Lorenzo Panebianco

Graduated in Pure Mathematics with full marks, I completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Sapienza University of Rome under the guidance of Professor Roberto Longo. My research focused on Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory. I am currently employed at Sogei as a Data Architect, specializing in Cloudera administration, where I apply my expertise in data management and systems architecture.

I am available for private tutoring in mathematics and physics and open to discussing IT-related career opportunities, both in Italy and internationally. My contact details are provided at the bottom of this page.

Here you can find my CV, while this is my Ph.D. thesis.

Ma, di sotto, la parete precipitava. Sporgendosi, egli non riusciva a vedere dove finisse. Le montagne! Mai le aveva viste da vicino; erano straniere, esageratamente belle, tutte sbagliate.  [...] Gli echi ripeterono. Silenzio.
Mai aveva visto cose tanto immobili come le montagne, neanche le case erano capaci di stare così ferme.