Lorenzo Panebianco
Graduated in Pure Mathematics with full marks, I completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Sapienza University of Rome under the guidance of Professor Roberto Longo. My research focused on Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory. I am currently employed at Sogei as a Data Architect, specializing in Cloudera administration, where I apply my expertise in data management and systems architecture.
I am available for private tutoring in mathematics and physics and open to discussing IT-related career opportunities, both in Italy and internationally. My contact details are provided at the bottom of this page.
Ma, di sotto, la parete precipitava. Sporgendosi, egli non riusciva a vedere dove finisse. Le montagne! Mai le aveva viste da vicino; erano straniere, esageratamente belle, tutte sbagliate. [...] Gli echi ripeterono. Silenzio.
Mai aveva visto cose tanto immobili come le montagne, neanche le case erano capaci di stare così ferme.