Policy and Media

Policy reports

Evaluation of the Meet The Parents project: the value of parental and pupil experience in choosing secondary school (with Elisa Facchetti and Marco Ovidi)

Queen Mary university of London, 2020

The Meet The Parents project

Media pieces

Media Coverage

UMD Study: Home Prices Rose, Gentrification Surged Near Schools With Inflated Test Scores, Maryland Today (2023)

¿Son los edificios de renta mixta la solución a los problemas de la vivienda pública?,  Nada es Gratis (2022)

Raising UK educational standards: The impact of governance reforms, Royal Economic Society Media Briefings (2018)

Sats 'grade inflation' has added thousands to house prices, Times Educational Supplement (2017)


Neighbourhoods and children’s well-being (invited speaker @UNICEF On Campus Symposium)  [slides] [flyer]

Innovations in High Schools and Their Effects on Student Prospects (by Natalie Olofsson, The Saint)

Mondiali, 11 metri di paura (by Giulia Zonca, La Stampa)