Probability and Statistics

(winter semester 2018-2019)

Instructions to set up jupyter:

pyvenv rpis
source rpis/bin/activate
# each of the next 3 lines might take a while
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install jupyter
# after all this you can start by doing
jupyter notebook
# next time you need to 
source rpis/bin/activate
# this^ might be worth aliasing
# and then
jupyter notebook
# clone the problems repository
git clone
  • Lab 1: Setting things up. Exercises 1a, 1b.
  • Lab 2: Finishing exercises 1a-1c. Start 2a.
  • Lab 3: Exercises 2a-2d. Graded task 2c (deadline 01/12/2018). [NumpyConcepts.ipynb]
  • Lab 4: Exercises 3a-3c. Graded task 3b (deadline 15/12/2018).
  • Lab 5: Exercises 4a-4e. Graded task 4d (deadline 12/01/2019).
  • Lab 6: Exercises 5a-5x. Graded task 5b (deadline before the exam).