Research Projects

Social Enterprise & Market Research 

Conducted market research in international settings highlighting the impact of potential B-Corp start-up social enterprises in Mexico. 

Community Based Participatory Research 

Collaborated with community organizations by conducting Community Based Participatory Research in California's San Joaquin Valley. Involving several projects surrounding nutrition, chronic disease, tobacco control policies, quality education and childcare.

Qualitative Research on Hispanic Serving Institutions

Conducted interviews with Latinx undergraduate students and university faculty in STEM to learn about their experiences and what servingness means to them. 


Leadership & Mangement Program Development

Formulated curriculum surrounding leadership and management concepts and tools with a global lens for Zambian master's in public health program.  

CReation of TEaching Platforms

Developed an online program focused on training lower surgical and obstetric mortality providers to expand anesthesia access in Ethiopia. 

Non-Profit Organization Research

Created a household survey for a non-profit clinic to understand and potentially address health disparities Maya families experience in the Palajunoj Valley of Guatemala.