Lords of the League

A Fantastically Epic Dynasty Adventure

As a Lord of the League, you - along with 11 other brave adventurers - will take the helm in a one-of-a-kind fantasy RPG/fantasy football mashup! This is equal parts character creation and leveling up, and equal parts drafting and waiver wire savvy. You will command the destiny of both your character and your team!

A Quick Look

  • Select a Race and a Class for your Character. Your Race will give your special advantages, and your Class will give you special abilities.
  • This is a 12 team, QB/RB/RB/WR/WR/TE/FLEX/FLEX/SUPERFLEX/DEF dynasty league with 0.5 PPR, 0.5 PPFD, and TE Premium scoring. Each team will have 15 bench slots.
  • Buy-in is $50, with TWO years paid up front (LeagueSafe)
  • League is hosted on FleaFlicker
Lords of the League Character Sheets