Olivers last location

To keep you updated about Olivers case, we inserted a map on this site where Oliver was seen last.

The location on this map was determined by evaluating the selfie he took last.

Olivers last location

On August 4th in 2022, Oliver took a selfie of him and shared it in his Instagram story at around 6pm.

Short time later he disappeared.

Before Oliver disappeared he contacted his friends and his family regularly. He wrote them text messages and called them.

With the help of volunteers, the German police was able to detect his last location by analizing this last selfie.

Investigators believe, that the following address is where he was seen last:

Carretera General, 93-199

38290 El Rosario

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Spanien - Teneriffa

The significant red sand, the telephone wires and the small mountain in the background of the photo imply that the address mentioned above was his last location.

This place is marked on the map above.

However, if Oliver is still located somewhere in or near this region cannot be said.