
The looking@2020 project is an initiative in collaboration with #TeachSDGs and networks of teacher-leaders from around the world. Special contributions have been made by the following teacher-leaders, who have promoted the project in their region of the planet.

Project Ambassadors

This is a photo of Mark Reid, the project leader.

Mark Reid, project leader

Vancouver, Canada | @mmgreid

Mark is a music and educational technology teacher. He is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, #TeachSDGs Ambassador, Varkey Teacher Ambassador, MusiCounts Teacher of the Year, and 2015 Global Teacher Prize Finalist. Mark is the co-editor of the Space2Learn blog.

This is a photo of Haruna Amina, a project ambassador.

Haruna Amina, project ambassador

Abuja, Nigeria | @egwola

Amina is peer-educator trainer, mentoring on educating young girls. She is a #TeachSDGs Ambassador and founder of the Onfoja Foundation.

This is a photo of Ayush Chopra, a project ambassador.

Ayush Chopra, project youth ambassador

Delhi, India | @Ayushchopra24

Ayush is an ORDINARY boy with an EXTRAORDINARY desire to work for the promotion and protection of human rights! He is the founder of @SDGsForChildren with the mission to spread awareness about the Global Goals among children. Ayush is a #TeachSDGs Ambassador and has represented youth at the United Nations.

This is a photo of Flor Conforti, a project ambassador.

Flor Conforti, project ambassador

Buenos Aires, Argentina | @florconforti1

Flor is an English Teacher with a School Management Diploma and she is currently working on her Master’s Degree in School Administration. She is a Microsoft Certified Educator, a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, a Skype Master Teacher and a #TeachSDGs Ambassador. She is the co-author of Aprender Haciendo, a book supporting STEM/STEAM skills and creativity in students.

This is a photo of Kathy Conway-Ward, a project ambassador.

Kathy Conway-Ward, project ambassador

St. John's, Canada | @conwaytweety4

Kathy is an elementary classroom and choral music teacher. She plays oboe with the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra (NSO) and sings with Lady Cove Women's Choir. Kathy has a special interest in restorative justice and relational teaching, particularly in music education contexts.

This is a photo of Sharon Davison, a project ambassador.

Sharon Davison, project ambassador

Williston, Vermont, USA | @kkidsinvt

Sharon teaches Kindergarten in a public school. She is a passionate teacher who explores how to connect her students and their families globally. Through the use of technology, Sharon creates a rich, interactive, and collaborative learning culture where kindness and empathy are ever-present. She is a #TeachSDGs Ambassador.

Alexandra Harper, project ambassador

Sydney, Australia | @Alex_Harper1

Alexandra has held teaching and educational leadership positions in the early childhood, primary and tertiary sectors in Australia spanning a twenty-five year career in education. Her advocacy areas include early childhood, children and teacher wellbeing and nature pedagogy. Alexandra is a Varkey Teacher Ambassador.

This is a photo of John Hayford, a project ambassador.

John Hayford, project ambassador

Saltpond, Ghana | @sygee13

John is a community advocate for anti-child labour and trafficking at Friends of the Nation Ghana and also doubles as the Director of Asaase Focus, Ghana.

This is a photo of Iloyi Iretomiwa, a project ambassador.

Iloyi Iretomiwa , project ambassador

Lagos, Nigeria | @iretomiwa16

This is a photo of Maci Nazzarini, a project ambassador.

Maci Nazzarini, project ambassador

Bucharest, Romania | @mnazzarini

Maci has experience teaching 1st through 4th grade. She is passionate about creating quality education for all through programs such as Teachers Across Borders and volunteer work in schools throughout Africa and Central America. She works to ensure teachers and leaders are considering the whole child when designing instruction.

This is a photo of Estella Owoimaha-Church, a project ambassador.

Estella Owoimaha-Church, project ambassador

Los Angeles, California, USA | @eochurch

Estella is a theatre and English teacher with specialties in literacy development and technical arts. She is a RFK Human Rights Lead Educator, Rock Your World Ambassador, #TeachSDGs Ambassador, Varkey Teacher Ambassador, CTA Human Rights Awardee for Peace & Justice, and 2017 Global Teacher Prize Finalist. Estella is co-creator of EN-ACT, a digital educator's network and blog.

This is a photo of Angels Soriano, a project ambassador.

Àngels Soriano, project ambassador

València, Spain | @angelssoriano74

Àngels Soriano is a language teacher at Martí Sorolla II. She is co-coordinator of the #Xatac5 and a steadfast promoter of ICT in education. Àngels is a Microsoft Innovative Educator Fellow and #TeachSDGs Ambassador.

This is a photo of Nam Thanh Ngo, a project ambassador.

Nam Thanh Ngo, project ambassador

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | @mrnamvas

Nam is an elementary school teacher. He is a Microsoft Master Trainer, Skype Master Teacher, Microsoft Learning Consultant, #TeachSDGs Ambassador, Varkey Teacher Ambassador and 2018 Global Teacher Prize Finalist. Nam is the founder of the global projects Five Safe Fingers and Everyday Kindness.

This is a photo of Mirela Tanc, a project ambassador.

Mirela Tanc, project ambassador

Oradea, Romania | @mirelatanc

Mirela is a secondary school teacher. She is a Microsoft Innovative Expert, MIE Trainer, and member of the Harvard Learning Community. Mirela is an award-winner educator who serves as a #TeachSDGs Ambassador.

This is a photo of Jim Tuscano, a project ambassador.

Francis Jim Tuscano, project ambassador

Manila, Philippines | @jimtuscano

Jim is the education technology coach and department chairperson for religious and values education in Xavier School - San Juan. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator and advisory board member for the ADE Asia Pacific, Apple Accredited Professional Development Consultant, Varkey Teacher Ambassador, #TeachSDGs Ambassador, Google for Education Certified Trainer, and 2017 Global Teacher Prize Finalist. Jim is founder and project leader of Kids Can! Innovation Camp.

Connected Organizations

To help reach our goal of actively supporting and enhancing the work of the United Nations' efforts within K-12 classrooms, our TeachSDGs organization contributes to the 2030 Agenda in the following ways:

  • We connect with global educators dedicated to responding to a call to action within education to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • We point to open and accessible resources, lessons plans, and global projects directly aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • We advance the work of the United Nations in relation to education through advocacy and outreach to inform K-12 and higher education stakeholders, defined as educators, students, parents, and community members.