Senior Data Analyst, Synergy

Research Fellow, University of Western Australia

CV | Google Scholar | ORCID | long.vo [at]


Clements, K. W. and Vo, L. (2021). "Understanding Global Consumption Patterns". Working paper. Presented at:

Presentation 250921

Vo, L. and Le, T-H. (2020). "Evaluation of Test-kit Trade and Trade Policy in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic". Working paper. Presented at:

VANJ Conference-Slides-201120-lv

Clements, K., Si, J. and Vo, L. (2020). "The Law of One Food Price". Discussion Paper 19.09, Economics Department, UWA Business School. Presented at:

Long Vo_AARES_130220

Vo, L. H. (2019). "Fundamental Drivers of International Price and Consumption Disparities". Presented at: 


Vo, L. H. (2019). "Economic Research: Formation and Replication". Presented at: 


Vo, L. H. (2018). "Why don't agricultural prices adjust toward parity?". Presented at: 

Long Vo_AUSCOMM2019_050419

Vo, L. H. (2018, 2019). "Understanding International Economic Disparities". Presented at: 


Vo, L. H. (2017). "Exchange Rates, Prices and Trade Costs". Presented at: 


Clements, K. W., Si, J. and Vo, L. (2017). "Food and Agriculture Prices Across Countries and the Law of One Price". Discussion Paper 17.04, Economics Department, UWA Business School.  Presented at:

Food prices LOP 280317

Vo, L. H. (2017). "International Agriculture Prices and the PPP Puzzle". Presented at: 

2017_WIPSlides 260417_LongVo.pptx

Vo, L. H. (2016). "New Measures of Currency Misvaluation: Extending the Big Mac Index". Presented at: 


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