Genealogical Records of Co. Longford, Ireland

1600 - 1900


The largest online database of Genealogical  Records for the families of Co. Longford

2.- County Authorities

Lists of Lord Lieutenant, D.L., M.P., High Sheriff, J.P., Grand Jury, County Officials and more

3.- Military Personnel

Officers and Servicemen in the Longford Militia, Yeomanry and Volunteer Companies of Co. Longford

4.- Civil Society

Pupils of Schools, Members of Societies and Corporations, Flax growers and records of the Charlton Trust

5.- Diocesan Records

Diocese of Ardagh Marriage Licence Bonds, Probates and Administrations, with copies of surviving  Wills

6.- Parish Records

Over 3,000 extractions from Church of Ireland Parish Registers, plus Parish Census records and biographies of Clergy

7.- Property Deeds

Indices for the Registry of Deeds, Copies of Deeds, Deed Abstracts, and more

8.- Wills and Probates

Wills and Probates from the Prerogative Courts of Armagh and Canterbury

9.- Gravestones 

Access to over 10,000 memorials using the Graveyard Finder, including 2,000 transcriptions onsite

10.- Newspaper Extracts

Over 35,000 name extractions from the "Longford Journal" (1839-1868) and four Midlands newspapers

11.- Lands & Homes 

Estates and Residences of Co. Longford, and the  lives of the families who lived in them

12.- Emigration

The emigration over the centuries of Co. Longford families all around the world 

13.- Reference Library

Family Histories, Almanacs, Maps, Documents,  Reference Books, and more

14.- What's NEW

=  HEADER  =

Don't miss the Header at the top of this Page to find these useful Links !!

= Family Links - Longford Homes - Longford Churches - Longford Glebes - Longford Links - Research Links =


Tarn, France


Ireland, U.S.A., Australia

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To expand and improve the content of this website requires YOUR help. The tragic loss of archives in 1922 makes the publication of surviving family records a vital resource in Irish Genealogy. Who is to know if that elusive connection someone is desperately searching for, may as well be hidden in your own family tree as in someone else’s? So if you have any genealogical material relevant to the context of this website, please don't hesitate to contribute. When we all cooperate, everybody wins!

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