About Me

The basics about me.

So, uh, where do I start? Well, My name is Long John Spaghetti. But, Please, call me 'John', for short. I'm a young man living in the United States of America. If you couldn't already tell, I like Video Games. Yeah. Big fan of those. Well, Nintendo Games, pardon me. Death to PlayStation. Anyway, I also am a fan of Marvel Movies. My personal favorite is Guardians of the Galaxy. And, uh, well, That's all the basic information about me that I can think of.

Social life

I have various social media profiles, including, but not limited to: Mario Boards, Nintendo Switch Online, YouTube, and SoundCloud. If you asked me to name my favorite, I would say; "Definitely Mario Boards,". Reason being that I get to socialize with people that have a lot of the same interests that I do in real time. I consider all of those people on there my friends, if not my best friends. I have more friends on there than I do in real life. Which, now that I think about it, is kinda sad.

Personal life

For those of you who don't already know, My real name is Colton. (But please keep calling me "John"). As of right now, I am attending High School and living in Atlanta. And, well, uh, er, That's all I feel comfortable sharing right now.