Locations & Events

Society Games

All of our organized games are listed on this calendar!

Register and join a game on Warhorn.

Join your fellow Pathfinders on Facebook or Discord.

Below you will find all the local conventions (or beyond) and gaming spots where you might be able to find a Paizo table to play at.

London Conventions

These are the two big conventions that take place in the city. Both offer some space for tabletop gaming, so keep an eye out for Paizo events.

The Forest City Comicon is London, Ontario, Canada's all-ages comic con celebration of nerd and geek culture like no other: featuring artists, exhibitors, cosplay, vendors, panels, board games, video game tournaments, and more.

October | $45

London Ontario's largest pop culture celebration of awesomeness!

Gaming Stores

These are your local gaming stores! Shop local - get your gaming supplies and play Pathfinder, DnD, and other board games at most of these locations.

Ontario Conventions

The following are conventions held in Ontario that are within 2 hours of London.

Guelph, ON

February | $30

GenreCon is Guelph’s comic con. GenreCon is about being passionate for something and having a desire to share your excitement and knowledge with others. GenreCon allows you to explore your interests with others.

Guelph, ON

April | $25

Gryphcon is a Gaming convention held at the University of Guelph and hosted by the University of Guelph Games Club. Gryphcon is what one may call venerable - it has been around for more than 25 years in various incarnations.

Hamilton, ON

July | $45

ConBravo! is a three-day festival celebrating the very best in independent creators. Whether you enjoy video, graphic novels, webcomics, gaming, or cosplay, ConBravo! is where you can celebrate your passion.

Toronto, ON

August/September | $125

FAN EXPO Canada is the largest Comics, Sci-Fi, Horror, Anime, and Gaming event in Canada and the 3rd largest Pop Culture event in North America. Everyone is a fan of something, and FAN EXPO Canada is a place to celebrate all things pop culture.

US Conventions

The following are conventions in the United States, but they are within semi-reasonable driving distance of London.

Indianapolis, IN (5h 30m)

July/August | $110


Since 1968, we’ve been gathering people together to play games. From a small group of friends in a Lake Geneva basement to the thousands of gamers who flock to the Indiana Convention Center each year, Gen Con will always be the home of tabletop gaming.

Columbus, OH (6h 35m)

June | $70

Origins Game Fair is in an annual tabletop gaming convention held in Columbus, OH.

On top of the 6,000+ gaming events scheduled throughout the week, we also offer a wide variety of other activities, such as True Dungeon experiences, a robust Film Festival, a full schedule of Anime Programming, and even Comedy and Music Shows!