

Optical Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy.”  Oxford University Press, 2023.

ISBN: 9780192843869 


“Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy using frequency combs.” Patent N 10533836, 2020. 

Selected publications

B. Lomsadze, S. Weight and P. Clark . "Single-Shot Fourier-Slice Dual-Comb Spectroscopy". IEEE Photonics Technology Letters  vol. 35, no. 24, pp. 1363-1366, 2023.  doi: 10.1109/LPT.2023.3325799. 

B. Lomsadze, S. Weight and P. Hovland. “Effects of phase accumulation in frequency-comb-based multidimensional coherent spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. A 106, 033704, (2022).

B. Lomsadze. “Frequency comb-based multidimensional coherent spectroscopy bridges the gap between fundamental science and cutting-edge technology.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 160901 (2021).

B.C. Smith, B. Lomsadze and S.T. Cundiff. “High-speed hyperspectral four-wave-mixing microscopy with frequency combs”.  Optics Letters 46 (15) 3556-3559, 2021. (Editor’s pick).

B. Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff. “Line-shape analysis of double-quantum multidimensional coherent spectra.” Phys. Rev. A 102, 043514, (2020). 

B. Lomsadze, K.M. Fradet, and R.S. Arnold. “Elastic tape behavior of a bi-directional Kerr-lens mode-locked dual-comb ring laser.” Optics Letters 45, 1080-1083 (2020).

B. Lomsadze and S.T. Cundiff. “Tri-comb multidimensional coherent spectroscopy”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31, 1041-1135 (2019). (Invited paper) DOI.

B. Lomsadze, B. Smith and S.T. Cundiff. “Tri-comb spectroscopy”. Nature Photonics 12, 677 (2018).            (Featured on the cover) DOI.

B. Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff. “Frequency-Comb Based Double-Quantum Two-Dimensional Spectrum Identifies Collective Hyperfine Resonances in Atomic Vapor Induced by Dipole-Dipole Interactions”. Physical Review Letters 120 (23), 233401, 2018

B. Smith, B.Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff. “Optimum repetition rates for dual-comb spectroscopy”. Optics Express 26 (9), 12049-12056, 2018.

B. Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff. “Frequency combs enable rapid and high-resolution multidimensional coherent spectroscopy” Science 357 (6358), 1389-1391, 2017.

B. Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff. “Multi-heterodyne two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy using frequency combs”. Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14018, 2017.

B. Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff, “Frequency comb-based four-wave-mixing spectroscopy”. Optics Letters 42 (12), 2346-2349,2017. (Editor’s choice)

B. Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff, “Frequency comb-based multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy”. Optics and Photonics News special issue “OPTICS IN 2017”.

B. Lomsadze, C.W.Fehrenbach, B.D.DePaola. “Measurement of ionization in direct frequency comb spectroscopy”. Journal of Applied Physics 113 (10), 103105, 2013.

B. Lomsadze, C.W.Fehrenbach, B.D.DePaola. “Calculation of ionization in direct frequency comb spectroscopy” Physics Review A 86 (4), 043403, 2012.

H. Jang, B.Lomsadze, ML. Trachy, G.Veshapidze, CW.Fehrenbach and B.D.DePaola. “Interaction of a finite train of short pulses with an atomic ladder system”. Physical Review A 82 (4), 043424, 2010.

Book chapters

B.Lomsadze and S.T.Cundiff. “Frequency Comb-Based Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy”. In Cho M. (eds) Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy. Springer Nature, 2019. 

B. Lomsadze. “Saturated absorption spectroscopy for diode laser locking”. Encyclopedia of Modern Optics II. Volume 2, 227-232, 2018.