Reginald C. LaCasse "Coach Reg" Scholarship Fund

The Lyme-Old Lyme Booster Club Scholarship in memory of Coach Reginald C. LaCasse, rewards 2 graduating Lyme-Old Lyme High School student athlete's who made meaningful impacts in sports, a $1000 college scholarship.

The Booster Club will award 2 applicants, one athlete from a girls’ team and one athlete from a boys’ team, with a $1,000 post-secondary scholarship, with winners being notified in early June

Scholarship applications will be accepted from graduating LOLHS seniors who will be attending a 2- or 4- year institution in the Fall of 2023, with a G.P.A. 80 or higher.  Applications will be accepted through May 12, 2023. Completed applications should be titled “Lastname_firstinitial_Booster.doc and sent via email to:

Scholarship recipients will be recognized at the Senior Athletics Banquet on June 4th.  

Send any questions to: 

Please click here to submit your application for consideration